Innovators Under 35: Meet the MIT Community Members on the 2020 List
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This month, MIT Technology Review released its annual 35 Innovators Under 35 list. The 2020 roster includes 13 people who are either MIT alumni, current/former postdocs, or both.
This marks the 20th year that Tech Review has released its list of promising inventors, entrepreneurs, visionaries, humanitarians, and pioneers poised to have a dramatic impact on the world. “We do it to highlight the things young innovators are working on, to show at least some of the possible directions that technology will take in the coming decade,” write the magazine’s editors, who sorted through 500-plus nominations with the help of a panel of judges. Learn more below about the members of the MIT alumni and postdoc community chosen for inclusion.
To further explore the connection between the Institute and Tech Review's Innovators Under 35, find out who from MIT made the list in 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, and 2010.
Omar Abudayyeh ’12, PhD ’18
MIT McGovern Institute for Brain Research
Leilani Battle SM '13, PhD '17
University of Maryland
Eimear Dolan (former postdoc)
National University of Ireland Galway
Gregory Ekchian MNG '10, PhD '18
MIT Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research
Rose Faghih SM '10, PhD '14
University of Houston
Siddharth Krishnan
MIT Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research
Miguel A Modestino '07, SM '08
New York University
Nadya Peek SM '10, PhD '16
University of Washington
Leila Pirhaji PhD '16
Randall Jeffrey Platt PhD '16
ETH Zurich
Adriana Schulz PhD '18
University of Washington
Venkat Viswanathan (former postdoc)
Carnegie Mellon University
David Warsinger PhD '15
Purdue University