An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Unusual animals on campus

  • Mihai Duduta

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Last night, as I was walking to Central Square I saw a rabbit on the grass patch in front of the High Voltage Research Laboratory. I'm counting the rabbit as one of the "unusual" animals observed on campus in my years at MIT. I'm sure that everyone is used to seeing squirrels almost everyday, but a rabbit? That's not something I see everyday, especially not so close to Mass Ave.

So the rabbit joins two others: the racoon that was in front of Z Center and the eagle that dived on the lawn in Killian Court as the most interesting animals I've seen free on campus. And it's the only one for which I have a theory how it got there: it escaped one of the labs in Bulding 68. So if I want to see it again, it will be pretty easy, as it's most likely fluorescent! =) I have only one regret, that I didn't have a camera with me to capture the moment...

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