An MIT Alumni Association Publication
Photo: ZUG

Last fall, the comedy Web site ZUG held a contest seeking the funniest content and placement for a large vinyl banner. The winner suggested one for Harvard's entrance reading "Institute of Nowledge." ZUG writers took it one step further and decided an actual experiment was needed to determine whether MIT or Harvard has the better sense of humor. I know, pointless. But they did it anyway.

So they placed the banner (MIT's read INSTITVTE OF NOWLEDGE) in prominent locales at both schools: above an entrance to Harvard Yard and over the doors leading to Lobby 7.

You can view the play by play of the prank and reactions at both schools, but they can be summed up by the reactions of the campus police. Harvard's officers on the scene radioed for backup then maintained surveillance of the sign until a maintenance crew could remove it. MIT's officers looked at the sign, laughed, then grabbed breakfast in the Student Center.


Larry Sher

Sun, 05/03/2009 12:55pm

Now I no why I went to MIT vs. Harvard.:-)

Paddy Wade"45

Sat, 05/02/2009 9:18pm

Having been a coed back in the dark ages, I have always maintained that the most important paart of MIT was to have a sense of humor. I'm glad to see that this persists to this day. cheers, Paddy

Jerry Carpenter '54

Fri, 05/01/2009 6:35pm

Here's the real laugh! My wife, a beautiful and sexy lady, dated Harvard guys and many others, but she would never marry any of them. When she asked me to marry her, I said yes!

Jerry Carpenter '54

Fri, 05/01/2009 6:26pm

Where is Harvard anyway?