An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Blacksmithing, glassblowing, and running down the Infinite Corridor all made the short list when alumni were asked: What is one thing every MIT student should do before they graduate?

Answers ran the gamut, from getting the pirate certificate to taking part in an international program. Yet the overall message seemed to be: Explore, keep meeting people, and—when graduation day comes—take time to appreciate what you have accomplished.

Watch the video. 


Erik Anderson

Sun, 06/09/2024 11:47am

I remember these well! From the athletic center, cross Mass Ave, head for the tunnel from Building 7, RUN the tunnels all the way to the Green Building, then RUN the stairs all the way up the Green Building (20-some flights!), then back down and RUN the tunnels back to Building 7. You are allowed to walk across Mass Ave back to the Student Center and Athletic Center to cool down!