An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Twitter News Aggregator Hosts MIT Channel

  • Nancy DuVergne Smith
Koowala tracks Twitter news.

This summer, an incoming Sloan graduate student moved to Cambridge early to “flesh out some ideas before school started.” One of those ideas was a Twitter-fed news aggregator called Koowala, which has its own MIT news channel. Launched in late July by MBA student Nate Stewart, Koowala hosts nine channels—ranging from technology to gaming to celebrity—that regularly sample twitter news.

In addition, Stewart thinks specialty channels like the Koowala/MIT channel and a prospective new channel focusing on MBA admissions could tap markets not well served otherwise.

“I typically have 20 or 30 sources per channel that I poll a couple times per hour,” says Stewart. “The stories that appear are determined by a function of number of retweets, klout (online credibility), time, and various other criteria."

Although Stewart is now the sole creator of the website, he has plans:  "I am looking to build out a team as I go through business school to really start marketing Koowala and adding features.”