An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Vote for the MIT-Cornell Fictional Alumni Face-Off

  • Amy Marcott
  • 87
The tournament has begun. Which school's fictitious alumni will come out on top? You decide.

Simply answer the following question:

Which person, if real, has the potential to offer the greatest contribution(s) to society?

Cast your vote three ways:

  • Submit your answer in the comments of this post
  • Respond via the Cornell or MIT Facebook pages
  • Tweet using the hashtag #MITCU
Week 1 showdown for the Cornell-MIT Fictional Alumni Face-off

Need some inspiration? Learn more about Ling Woo and Lex Luthor.

Representatives from the Cornell and MIT Alumni Associations will be looking for posts that are clever, witty, absurd, and downright ridiculous. The more entertaining we find your comment to be, the more likely it will tip the scale in favor of your alma mater.  Voting ends each Friday at 1:00 p.m. ET.

Check out the match-ups (click on image to enlarge). Brackets are updated every Monday.

Cornell-MIT Fictional Alumni Face-Off winner week one

What’s at stake? The winning school will take ownership of the soon-to-be-constructed Social Media Cup trophy. More importantly, the losing school will be forced to produce a video that pays homage to both the tournament winner and his or her alma mater and promote the video on their own Facebook page.



Wed, 09/28/2011 7:10pm

Lex Luthor. I'm not even going to bother explaining this obvious win.


Wed, 09/28/2011 6:58pm

Sorry Woo - Lex all the way, baby!

This is a contest of style over substance; Woo's got the hot looks, but, really, what else? She's an empty suit, suitable for leading large multi-nationals for several years, before bailing on a golden parachute right after it's come out that she was funnelling funds to her 3rd cousin's typewriter-repair firm back in Shanghai. Oh, and was sexually harrassing the mailboys.

Lex, on the other hand, is the classic underappreciated geek who really *can* change the world. Sure, that gleaming dome is sexy (I mean, MIT has thing for gleaming domes, after all), and he's the CEO of a huge multi-national, but remember, he's been head of it for 40+ YEARS now (no take-it-and-run parachute for him!), and really does care. I mean, you *have* to care to put in all those hours plotting and schemeing world domination - it's damned hard work, and you can't just get by on a nice butt or a snarky comment!

Potting world domination really does make the world better - look at Bill Gates. Without him and his evil empire (ahh, I mean, Microsoft), where would Linux be?

So, it's Lex by a Landslide!

Robert Bateman

Wed, 09/28/2011 6:57pm

I would like to see the 7 following for the remaining MIT spots

Bullwinkle J. Moose
Will Hunting
Tony Stark
David Levinson (Independence Day)
Rockhound (Armageddon)
Invisible Woman (Jessica Alba!!)

I would say Howard Wolowitz but I cannot say anything great about him other than astronauts can crap in space more easily.

Robert Bateman

Wed, 09/28/2011 6:43pm

Lex Luthor's greatest enemy is Superman and has defeated him on multiple occasions.
Ling Woo...makes fun of...handicap people.

Conclusion: I think America is about sick and tired of Superman's crap. When your pad is the fortress of solitude with $0 rent, you can give up the reporter position to someone who actually worked hard to earn it. Damn illegal aliens keep taking our jobs and its time we elect someone like Lex to clean up our streets!

Regarding Woo as a contender: Let's ask Michael J. Fox how he feels...

Demi Moore

Wed, 09/28/2011 6:35pm

Like for serious? Lex Luthor, no contest.


Wed, 09/28/2011 6:34pm

Lex Luthor clearly


Wed, 09/28/2011 6:09pm

From my undergrad years I remember when Lex worked in the basement of Bldg 20 during Christmas Vacation. His folks didn't want him home, so he was caring for a grad student's High Voltage Labs experiment over the holidays... that's how he lost his hair.


Wed, 09/28/2011 6:06pm



Wed, 09/28/2011 6:04pm

Lex hands down, while willing to sacrifice millions of innocents to create new beachfront for real estate development, and no doubt improving negative climate change impacts by increasing solar reflectance with the ensuing nuclear dust clouds, he still had a kind heart to employ henchman Otis and provide a home for Miss Teschmacher, obviously a lady of limited resources. Ecologist, humanitarian, winning!


Wed, 09/28/2011 5:55pm

Is this a joke?
Lex Luthor's wikipedia page has 10454 words to Ling Woo's 2196.
Enough said.


Wed, 09/28/2011 5:55pm

"Which.....has the potential to offer the greatest contributions...?"

Clearly Lex. He has created untold inventions and re-invented himself many times over. Just needs a little guidance to re-direct all that effort towards the good.

Woo? OK, she has a nice butt, and excels at projecting sexuality and anger simultaneously. Big deal. Plenty more of that on the red carpet in Hollywood on any given night......


Wed, 09/28/2011 5:32pm

Why the beaver? Because it is nature's engineer...

Why lex? Because I dont see a woo constructed legion of doom (kresge) on Cornell's campus.

Where's the alumni giving woo, where's the giving?


Wed, 09/28/2011 5:32pm

This one's not even fair. Lex Luthor is a criminal genius without superpowers who has stood up to an all-powerful non-human. Lex gets my vote.


Wed, 09/28/2011 5:19pm

Lex Luthor!!!!


Wed, 09/28/2011 5:09pm



Wed, 09/28/2011 5:06pm

Lex Luther because we all know that a little bit of adversity pushes us to be better. No Lex - wimpier Superman.

Also my husband is from Cornell and everyone knows that the wife and MITer is always right.


Wed, 09/28/2011 5:05pm

Lex Luthor, obvi


Wed, 09/28/2011 5:04pm



Wed, 09/28/2011 5:00pm

I'm sure Ling Woo is very impressive, but I think Lex Luthor wins on being a classic supervillain that we love to hate. Wikipedia (for what that's worth) reports that he's been around since 1940 - an enduring torment to the superheroes!


Wed, 09/28/2011 5:00pm

This will be a wipe: MIT is a culturally embedded institution, while Cornell unfortunately is regional (my distant high school used the Cornell football fight song with locally-adapted words to it; no-one had ever heard of Cornell and never worried about it) (which is as much a comment on local culture as on Cornell). After all, MIT has the hero cable-tv repairman/alien killer from "Independence Day" (who spent 8 years at MIT to become a tv repairman).


Wed, 09/28/2011 4:58pm

Lex has a much larger potential impact in that his personal concern is a global topic: the ability of humans to control their own destiny and the progress of human civilization.

He acts on a national and international level, is a master of getting people with conflicting interests to work together, and is not just a technological innovator, but someone who is able to get those innovations into practical use, under the most demanding of conditions (that is, while having them being interfered with the most powerful solar powered destructive phenomena yet discovered).

Whitney G

Wed, 09/28/2011 4:54pm

Lex Luthor!


Wed, 09/28/2011 4:54pm

And Ling Woo gives great hair!


Tue, 09/27/2011 12:00pm

Anyone who can kick ass in heels deserves to win! By default, she works twice as hard as Lex!

Chris S

Tue, 09/27/2011 11:59am

Ling Woo was half of first same-sex kiss I ever witnessed. It was an experience that I found inspiring.


Tue, 09/27/2011 11:49am

Lex Luthor, of course! He has so much more power and many more resources at his disposal. And no one is saying whether the contribution to society is positive or negative. I think Lex would have the greater potential to change society.


Tue, 09/27/2011 11:47am

Lex Luthor brings nothing to the table except some dumb rocks. That's hardly a contribution. (it must be miserable to come from a school and identify yourself as a Beaver. No wonder the guy turned into a villain with little more creativity than to carry around a green pebble.)

Ling Woo and smart, witty, and has a great butt. Advantage, Woo.


Tue, 09/27/2011 9:16am

She's kinda my hero...


Mon, 09/26/2011 7:41pm

Ling Woo who?

I vote for Lex Luthor.


Mon, 09/26/2011 6:21pm

go Ling Woo sinister yet compelling


Mon, 09/26/2011 3:56pm

If there is one thing I have learned in my 50 years, it is never to vote against a man whose main goal is to murder his arch-enemy and enslave his home planet, as a mere stepping stone to his long-term goal of dominating the entire flipping universe. Plus, Lex has a far sexier hairstyle than Ling Woo, hands down. MIT rocks, and so does Lex Luthor. Go, Beavers!

Steven Conforti

Mon, 09/26/2011 3:41pm

Lex Luther has been PotUS. He's saved the world (unwilling) a number of times. His impact to society is clearly greater than Ling Woo.


Mon, 09/26/2011 3:20pm

Hmm, two villains...except not. Woo, often described as a villain, is nothing more than a mean person. Lex Luthor winds hand down. First, he was voted the 8th greatest villain by Wizard on its "100 Greatest Villains of All Time" list. Second, while his main enemy was superman, he's crossed paths with many superheroes, and he still lives to tell the tale. Unlike Woo, who's annoyances, are limited in scope to a law firm, Lex Luthor poses a credible threat to the entire world, thus having a much greater impact.


Mon, 09/26/2011 3:12pm

Ling Woo is wittier, more feminine and not quite as evil as Lex.
(Why didn't they put up Claudia, the kid from Doonesbury? Didn't her fictional character go to MIT after they cheated in the voting?)

Steven M

Mon, 09/26/2011 3:07pm

Even though I went to High School with Lucy Liu, got to give this one to Luthor. Irritating dragon lady, or the dude that kicked superman's butt on multiple occasions? C'mon - total no-brainer.

Amy Marcott

Mon, 09/26/2011 2:57pm

Take nothing for granted in the Fictional Alumni Face-Off! Most creative response will tip the scales...

Ryan Ko

Mon, 09/26/2011 2:50pm

lex luthor obviously! How is this even a question?