An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Vote for the MIT-Cornell Fictional Alumni Face-Off

  • Amy Marcott
  • 87
The tournament has begun. Which school's fictitious alumni will come out on top? You decide.

Simply answer the following question:

Which person, if real, has the potential to offer the greatest contribution(s) to society?

Cast your vote three ways:

  • Submit your answer in the comments of this post
  • Respond via the Cornell or MIT Facebook pages
  • Tweet using the hashtag #MITCU
Week 1 showdown for the Cornell-MIT Fictional Alumni Face-off

Need some inspiration? Learn more about Ling Woo and Lex Luthor.

Representatives from the Cornell and MIT Alumni Associations will be looking for posts that are clever, witty, absurd, and downright ridiculous. The more entertaining we find your comment to be, the more likely it will tip the scale in favor of your alma mater.  Voting ends each Friday at 1:00 p.m. ET.

Check out the match-ups (click on image to enlarge). Brackets are updated every Monday.

Cornell-MIT Fictional Alumni Face-Off winner week one

What’s at stake? The winning school will take ownership of the soon-to-be-constructed Social Media Cup trophy. More importantly, the losing school will be forced to produce a video that pays homage to both the tournament winner and his or her alma mater and promote the video on their own Facebook page.



Wed, 09/28/2011 5:50pm

Ling Woo wounds with witty words. One wonders what Woo would do with Lex Luthor's lethal legacy? Would Woo wow? We won't learn what Woo would do. Woo went away, while Lex Luthor's living longer.

Likewise, what wry wisdom would Lex Luther wreak with Ling Woo's wrenching wit? Would we love Lex less were Luther's words washed with wicked wit?

Well, listen learned ones, we loudly lament, Lex Luthor's won.


Tue, 09/27/2011 10:37am

I thought Ling went to Michigan?

Noelle Steber

Thu, 09/29/2011 10:06am

I've never seen Ally McBeal or read a Superman comic, yet I have heard of Lex Luthor but have never heard of Ling Woo before. Clearly this means that Lex Luthor has had a greater impact on society.

Not to mention that I've heard more children state that they want to be a supervillain than those who want to be a mean lawyer. Lawyers don't have awesome secret lairs.


Wed, 09/28/2011 4:55pm

Lex. The only person who can beat him is Superman, and I am pretty sure he didn't go to Cornell!

Doug Hough

Wed, 09/28/2011 7:13pm

Lex Luthor is what all MIT students would like to be, if they had the personality.
LL definitely.


Sun, 10/02/2011 7:44pm

Look at the actors that played Lex.

Look at the actor that played Woo.

Another shoo in for Lex!


Wed, 09/28/2011 8:17pm

Actually, there are a few of us who would like to be Richard Feynman, if only we had the personality.

In reply to by Doug Hough


Wed, 09/28/2011 5:45pm

Evil genius that she is, she has credentials from most major universities.

In reply to by Steve


Fri, 09/30/2011 2:38pm

Brains over beauty on this one


Thu, 09/29/2011 10:45am

Although Christopher Reeve did...

In reply to by Sam


Wed, 09/28/2011 6:46pm


In reply to by Stan

Jeffrey Folinus

Fri, 09/30/2011 1:28pm

clearly Lex Luthor!!!

someone who builds things vs talks about them....

Jane Doe

Thu, 09/29/2011 11:40pm

Sure we do. They're secret.

Still voting for Lex.

In reply to by Noelle Steber

Leslie Hoffman

Fri, 09/30/2011 2:57am

Lex Luthor: We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

Leslie Hoffman

Fri, 09/30/2011 2:51am

Lex Luthor: [to Otis] Do you know why the number two hundred is so vitally descriptive to both you and me? It's your weight and my I.Q.


Fri, 09/30/2011 12:15am

There is no Ling Woo action figure.
I rest my case. Lex for the win!


Thu, 09/29/2011 9:53pm

Lex Luthor = Gene Hackman = Jimmy Doyle = Little Bill Daggett = Coach Norman Dale = Harry Zimm = Royal Tenenbaum

Ling Woo = Lucy Liu = Princess Pei Pei = Alex Munday = Grace Chin = Viper

It's Lex Luthor in a walkover.

Charles Hoffman

Thu, 09/29/2011 9:53pm

That is a cunning Ling. Us Beavers think this round goes to Luthor!

Jim M.

Thu, 09/29/2011 3:45pm

Lex of course. All he is trying to do is save humanity from meddling aliens that attempt to stifle human accomplishment under the guise of "saving" people. He's a genius like Bill Gates, designs machines like Steve Jobs and tries to save the world in his own way like Bono. Not to mention he has his own skyscraper in downtown Metroplis shaped like an "L". That beats a Lawyer any day.


Thu, 09/29/2011 1:45pm

In our society hair = power. Think of the millions of dollars spent and made in the hair restoration/wig business and you'll realize that hair is the ultimate symbol of authority. So, when examining our two contestants, one must weight their follicle ferocity and in doing so, Ling Woo's gorgeous locks stand tall above the reflecting baldness sported by Luthor.

He may have been President, but he didn't have the foresight to ALSO be a client.


Thu, 09/29/2011 1:04pm

How is this even a contest? Lex, of course.


Thu, 09/29/2011 1:02pm

Lex Luthor, definitely.

Charles Hoffman

Thu, 09/29/2011 12:52pm

Wait a second, Lex Luthor is a fictional character? I'd swear he lived down the hall from me on Jack Florey. Anyway, this round has to go to MIT and Lex Luthor. If this is the best Cornell can do in their lead-off position, I am worried that this will not be much of a competition when MIT brings out its heavy hitters such as Tony Stark. Even Timothy McGee from NCIS would wipe the floor with Ling Woo, even though according to the show, he was only a straight B student (they obviously did not know MIT uses a five point scale for their GPA).

Scott Luria

Thu, 09/29/2011 12:49pm

Far Above Cayuga's Waters
Ling Woo may look cool
But “I Love That Dirty Water”
Charles and Beavers rule!


Thu, 09/29/2011 10:40am

Lex Luthor: Not only is he a past president, but he is also a genius; an unusual combination. Relieved of the irritation of dealing with Superman, who knows, what inventions, discoveries and insights he might bestow on humanity. Whereas a real Ling Woo, even as embodied by Lucy Liu, would only enliven prime time television on the court TV channel. Of course she would do wonders for their ratings; probably even better than watching the OJ trial.

Debbie Zappen-Corser

Thu, 09/29/2011 10:38am

Ling may be amusing, but Lex Luthor would totally kick her butt! :)


Thu, 09/29/2011 10:22am

Lex Luthor!

Not only is he a leader in the field of supervillainy, he's obviously responsible for donating an iconic building to the MIT campus.

David B.

Thu, 09/29/2011 9:41am

I, for one, welcome our new MIT overlords. Lex gets my vote!

Titanium Man

Thu, 09/29/2011 8:58am

What's an Ally McBeal? Sounds like a happy meal for friends and supporters.

Mark Nowitzky

Thu, 09/29/2011 6:48am

I vote for Lex.

I agree with Jan... Ling WHO?

Lex is Rex.

Michael Liang

Thu, 09/29/2011 5:20am

In terms of lasting cultural impact, I think multiple generations of Americans will know of Lex Luthor, whereas Ling Woo will be forgotten in the annals of bad media in a few years.

I vote for Luthor.


Thu, 09/29/2011 3:31am



Thu, 09/29/2011 3:02am

Absolutely Lex Luthor !


Thu, 09/29/2011 2:26am

Lex Luthot, duh. One of the few competent supervillains.


Thu, 09/29/2011 12:56am

I was commenting on Ms. Woo's extensive sociological impact when some secret arm of LexCorp hacked my laptop to aid in controlling the multiverse...


Thu, 09/29/2011 12:19am

It's inTUitively obvious: Lex Luthor.

Kennita Watson

Thu, 09/29/2011 12:02am

Absolutely Lex Luthor! Clearly he didn't put out a wide enough call for sidekicks; I know many much less lame people who woulld jump at the job....


Wed, 09/28/2011 11:21pm

Lex has been President of the US AND ruler of Australia. How many large countries has Ling taken over?


Wed, 09/28/2011 11:18pm

Lex "World Domination" vs. Evil "Hissy Fit" Ling? No contest. Lex Luthor is a charactor so cool that one of our finest actors played the part. Lucy -- definitely eye candy and one of Charlie's Angels but Lucy is in no danger of winning an Academy Award anytime soon. Winner: Lex Luthor.

Mary Ann McLaughlin

Wed, 09/28/2011 11:13pm

Lex Luthor has the knowledge and power to affect the world in many ways. Think of what he and Superman could accomplish if Luthor suddenly had a change of heart!

I vote for Luthor.


Wed, 09/28/2011 11:03pm

Lex Luthor - no doubt!


Wed, 09/28/2011 10:27pm

Though I always enjoyed Woo on AM, I have to go with Lex Luthor.

In today's market it's more about your depth of knowledge and your ability to bridge multiple disciplines in order to affect change. Unfortunately Ling Woo's background and professional experience are far too narrow while Lex Luthor has exibited vast knowledge across the spectrum.


Wed, 09/28/2011 9:37pm

Lex Luthor MIT!


Wed, 09/28/2011 9:21pm

Lex Luthor wins by a large margin. And while we're here why don't I just point out that Tony Stark, Gordon Freeman, and Max Cohen are going to win their respective rounds when they inevitably come up.


Wed, 09/28/2011 8:30pm

Lex Luthor, without a doubt.

Erica Wolff

Wed, 09/28/2011 8:20pm

Cornell has alumni connections and outreach all over the globe. Lex has some kiss-ups. Woo all the way.

Alexx Kay

Wed, 09/28/2011 8:17pm

The question only supposes that the fictional person is real, not their entire fictional setting. In a world without Superman, Lex Luthor's genius would be devoted to noble causes, and he would be a great benefactor to humanity. This is not just theory; it is borne out by his treatment of the planet Lexor.


Wed, 09/28/2011 8:13pm

Lex Luthor, clearly, has more potential to offer the greatest contribution to society:
1) Lux Luthor has an estimated net worth of $10 billion (source: Forbes). 10B could buy a lot of mosquito nets, baby.
2) Building an evil empire has prepared Mr. Luthor better to build an empire for good than writing legal briefs has prepared Ms. Woo to do anything pragmatic.
3) If Woo did happen to do an about-face and DECIDED to help society, she would merely join the hundreds of thousands of other JD's nursing hidden dreams of using her degree to become one of the world's 15 human rights lawyers. ;)


Wed, 09/28/2011 7:44pm

Armed only with the power of science, Lex Luthor is our only defense against those pesky aliens from the planet Krypton. If you can battle an indestructible alien who boasts the combined powers of other lesser superheroes with your brain, then you must take the vote here. Lex Luthor wins this round.


Wed, 09/28/2011 7:18pm

Lex hands down. With strictly his brain power he maintains the cosmic balance of good and evil against the man of steel. Arch-nemesis of Superman... for an evil character I can't think of a more prestigious position... Not to mention that he is hope to evil, balding nerds everywhere of what we to can aspire to achieve. I obviously thought about this way too much.