An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Origami to the Rescue!

  • Amy Marcott

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This Mens et Manus design by Brian Chan won awards in the 2006-07 MIT Origami Contest for best MIT-themed model and best original design.
This Mens et Manus design by Brian Chan won awards in the 2006-07 MIT Origami Contest for best MIT-themed model and best original design.

If your "summer" is anything like we're having in Boston, you're looking for some fun indoor activities while you wait out the rain. How about some origami?

In the video below, origami expert Brian Chan ’02, SM ’04, PhD ’09 shows you—in time-lapsed, five-minute fashion—how to fold your own brass rat in under an hour. Although an hour for him is probably more like three to everyone else. Or five. Or 15. Be sure to watch until the very end. While I'm just speculating, I'm guessing no MIT staff member solicited those comments.

If you need something simpler to try, view Chan's online origami gallery. Many designs come with templates of the crease patterns so you can fold your own. Try a maple leaf in a pretty fall shade (because, let's face it, for some of us it's pretty much just autumn), a frog, a crab, or more.

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