An MIT Alumni Association Publication

I got a Brass Rat!

  • Mihai Duduta

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Today was the day I finally decided to join my classmates in getting a 2010 Brass Rat. I've always been torn about getting one before graduating, because it feels somehow rushed. I believe that the ring shouldn't be premiered in February of sophomore year, because it's not yet halfway through the time at MIT. Many things will happen in 4 years, and to have the ring only commemorating one year and a few months seems hurried.But then again, I don't want to get it at graduation, because it should be something that brings the class of 2010 together, not marks the time that their paths diverge from that of the Infinite Corridor. So my compromise was this: I got the ring in February of Junior year, not too early and not too late. Here is the bezel of the Class of 2010 Brass Rat. If you have some spare time, try to locate the 13 10's shown in the image.

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