An MIT Alumni Association Publication
Slice is searching for the meaning behind this Oct. 28 hack. Slice
is searching for the meaning behind this Oct. 28 hack. Photo: Emily Muldoon Kathan

What are you escaping from? Photo: Nicole Morell
What are you escaping from? Photo: Nicole Morell

Update: Thanks to insight from our readers, we've deduced that the hack is an homage to the "Jack and the Beanstalk" fairy tale, and more specifically, Jack Florey, an infamous legend in MIT hacking lore. 

By historical standards, 2014 has been a slow year for MIT hacks. 2013 ended with an outstanding out-of-space invasion hack in Lobby 7, but since that time, the only hacking activity on record was Slice’s Hack Madness tournament earlier this year.

But, after months of pranking silence, we’re happy to report recent activity on the hacking front. Earlier this morning, Slice was tipped off to a unique scene on the pedestrian overpass near Bldg. 66 on Ames St.

Photos taken on scene shows a life-size papier-mâché figurine—wearing a t-shirt that reads “Hacking”—making a long-roped escape from a castle placed above the overpass.

While Slice is impressed with the display, we’re dumbfounded as to the significance.

Is it a nod to a video game or a movie—a hacking theme in recent years? Or perhaps there’s no meaning at all, and it’s merely a hacking surprise on an otherwise ordinary Tuesday.

Photo: Nicole Morell

What’s your take on the hack? Do you have insight that Slice does not? Let us know in the comments below then check out more photos on Facebook or Twitter.


Beth B '05

Mon, 11/03/2014 10:22am


vic '86

Sat, 11/01/2014 12:30am

but what are those white fuzzy things???

Beth B '05

Tue, 10/28/2014 3:33pm

Jack (Florey) and the beanstalk

Angie H '94/'95

Tue, 10/28/2014 3:19pm

Might that character be climbing up instead of down?