An MIT Alumni Association Publication

"Freedom Trail for Innovators" Leads to MIT

  • Nancy DuVergne Smith

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Boston Globe columnist Scott Kirsner has proposed a new Boston Freedom Trail for those weary of the trek past Paul Revere’s place and Old Ironsides. He suggests an Innovation Trail that runs through key areas of Boston and Cambridge. Notably, about half of the 21 stops are MIT-connected.

Innovation Trail
Boston's proposed Innovation Trail. Image: Courtesy The Boston Globe, Jon Cannell.

Here are a few highlights:

#9. 1 Amherst St., Cambridge MIT’s Trust Center for Entrepreneurship is where student entrepreneurs learn startup skills and work on their own ventures, using free office space. MIT’s living alumni have founded more than 25,000 companies that employ more than 3 million people.

#10. 75 Amherst St., Cambridge The Media Lab at MIT has spawned products like Lego’s Mindstorms robotics kit, the iWalk prosthetic foot, and the video game “Rock Band.” A first-floor exhibition space, showcasing the work of professors and students, is open to the public.

And you wind up at the MIT Museum:

#21. 265 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge Open daily, The MIT Museum showcases technologies from the slide rule to expressive robots, as well as archives from Polaroid Corp., founded a few blocks away. It’s also home to the world’s biggest collection of holograms.

Check all the stops on the new Innovation Trail in the Boston Globe article.


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