An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Contest: Submit an Image for the Slice Header

  • Amy Marcott

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The slice of burnt toast has has been at the top of this page for awhile, and with spring around the corner it seems time for a change. So with no further ado, I'd like to announce the first ever Slice Header Competition.Here are the rules:1. Design an image that fits inside our header banner at the top, which is 741 x 142 pixels (just design the image -- you don't have to include the text on the right) 2. The image needs to evoke the word "slice"3. It must also include the letters MIT4. Please send jpg files only to Blog administrators reserve the right to edit submissions. The best ones will be featured on the blog in the header area, and artists will be recognized with a special a blog posting. To get your creative juices flowing (and mouth watering), check out the pizza image above.

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