An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Alumni: Check Out Upcoming MIT150 Symposia

  • Amy Marcott

Filed Under

You may have heard that in honor of its sesquicentennial, the Institute is hosting a series of symposia on topics ranging from cancer to computation to women in science. The first one, dedicated to economics and finance, happened at the end of January. There are five more coming up; see if one (or more!) interests you.

March 16 Conquering Cancer through the Convergence of Science and Engineering

March 28–29 Leaders in Science and Engineering: The Women of MIT

April 11–12 Computation and the Transformation of Practically Everything

April 26–27 Earth, Air, Ocean and Space: The Future of Exploration

May 3–5 Brains, Minds and Machines

Also, if you missed the economics and finance symposium at the end of January, you can still watch on-demand video of the sessions at Check it out if you're interested in learning more about the uncertain state of the global economy, the recovery, inflation, and the Fed--all from accomplished professors and half a dozen Nobel Laureates. Indeed, we at Slice were so impressed by the event that we taped a couple testimonials for the blog. Take a look below.

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