An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Find a Million Images Online

  • Nancy DuVergne Smith
  • 1

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Art by Roy Lichenstein and Vincent Van Gogh. Quick Time panoramas of world architecture. Drawings from Darwin's Endeavour voyage and a 264 A.D. Chinese method of finding pi. All these are available through ARTstor, an online collection of more than one million images now available to the MIT campus community.

An IAP talk Jan. 21 profiled the images available from dozens of fine art and historic collections from the Library of Congress to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to the George Eastman House.

Use of the high-quality images for education and research is covered under the new MIT license. You may need to follow an online link to request permission for other uses. Anyone on campus can set up an account.


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Allan Isham

Wed, 10/16/2013 7:19pm

Is it possible for an alumnus to access ARTstor? In my volunteer workk with the Prescott Art Docents, I talk to hundreds of elementary school children in order to introduce them to the world's fine art.