An MIT Alumni Association Publication

I go grocery shopping and Susan Hockfield starts the wave

  • Christina Bognet '10
  • 1

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I got no work done yesterday and that's never a good feeling, but I did a few fun things to compensate for my less then astute behavior. MIT now has a shuttle (made possible by a generous donation!) that runs on Saturday mornings/afternoons and goes to Trader Joes and Whole Foods. I did all of my grocery shopping for the week with a friend of mine (he wasn't shopping, so he just kept me company and then helped me carry my bags - score!) and then we met up with another friend for lunch at the Miracle of Science in Cambridge.Later, a group of us drove to Rhode Island to watch the MIT Basketball team in an NCCA playoff game. In the end we lost by a few points, but the game was fantastic anyway! MIT even sponsored a few buses to take students to the game, which made for quite the cheering section. President Hockfield and her husband were also in the stands, and at one point a student convinced her to start a crowd wave. Proof below!

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Katie Maloney

Mon, 03/09/2009 4:02pm

I hear the game was really great, thanks for writing about it! I would have loved to see Pres. H. start the wave. It's so sad the Engineers lost!