An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Sans Fire Hose, Alums Toast to IAP

  • Jay London
  • 1

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Each year during Independent Activities Period (IAP), MIT alumni and friends gather at local watering holes worldwide to honor the period by offering a "Toast to IAP." These gatherings pay homage to a quote from former MIT President Jerome Wiesner, who famously said that "getting an education from MIT is like getting a drink from a fire hose."

Last month, 68 Toast to IAP events took place in 26 U.S. states (plus Washington, D.C.), 19 countries, and six continents. Photos from some of the toasts and celebrations are listed below. All Toast to IAP photos can be seen on the Alumni Association’s Facebook page—feel free to tag yourself and fellow alums.

From Kansas City to Kuala Lumpur, the toasters included alumni from recent and past class years and a well-traveled (and possibly jet lagged) Tim the Beaver. And thankfully, it appears that no toasters literally drank from a fire hose.

MIT Club of San Antonio

MIT Club of Cyprus

MIT Club of Washington, D.C.

MIT Club of Mexico City

MIT Club of Central Ohio

MIT Club of Berkeley (CA)

MIT Club of Hong Kong

Wantto post a photo of your club from Toast to IAP? Email us a picture or upload your photo on our Facebook page. We’ll make sure it’s added to the Toast to IAP photo gallery.

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Bruce Bottomley '65

Thu, 02/07/2013 10:01am

While Weisner could easily have said "drink from a fire hose", it was a common saying much, much earlier. And true.