An MIT Alumni Association Publication

DIY IAP: Join the Infinite Connection (Or Refresh Your Profile)

  • Jay London

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If you’re not a member of the Alumni Association’s Infinite Connection, now is the perfect time to sign up. And if you’re already a member, you’ll see that we’ve launched a suite of features designed to expand your profile and connect you to fellow alumni and the MIT community.

You can now enhance your profile by adding social media and setting up a Friends List. The enhanced profile page outlines how to add feeds from your LinkedIn, Facebook, or website; list professional and personal affiliations; add your non-MIT degrees; and explore groups that match your interests.

These new web features also help groups, clubs, and classes build communities more easily and manage events more effectively. The new Infinite Connection allows for flexible templates for group websites, event registration, emails, and e-newsletters. Page options also include quicker site updates, a user-friendly content management system; a rotating image option; and RSS feed and poll integration.

Email marketing through IC now uses customized designs, segmented recipients, and open-rate reporting. Group membership management includes rolling membership and auto-renewal options, and group event management has new options that include online registration, “early bird” pricing, and viral marketing through the “Forward to a Friend” share feature.

To get started, register for an Infinite Connection account (Existing members can login at the top right hand corner on the Alumni Association website). To register, you’ll need your unique User ID, which if you don’t have, you can obtain here.

Editor’s note: In honor of MIT’s Independent Activities Period (IAP) in January, Slice is focusing on activities you can do yourself and on the experiences of students serving this month as externs with alumni in their workplaces. Stay tuned!

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