An MIT Alumni Association Publication
The Stata Center. La Grande Voile. Lobby 7. The Great Dome.

MIT’s campus has no shortage of iconic structures and willing photo subjects. With the help of services like Instagram, novice photographers can snap shots of MIT and share them with thousands. The Instagram app—in case you are not familiar with it—is a social network and photo sharing service that gives amateur photographers a chance at a huge audience. Currently it’s a top ten app on iTunes. Instagram uses hashtags just like Twitter to allow users to find content. The right tag can garner hundreds of views and likes.

Photo by @stefaniegiglio via Instagram
Photo by @stefaniegiglio via Instagram

Search for photos that have the hashtag #killiancourt and you’ll see 120 photos of MIT’s picturesque slice of campus. Expand your search to #MIT and #MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology and you’ll get thousands of shots of campus from photographers you’ve never met.

To showcase these impressive photos and give alumni a peek at MIT’s ever-changing campus, the Alumni Association digital team has been sharing our favorite Instagram photos across Facebook and Twitter. Besides the “oohs” and “aahs,” these photos encourage conversation and bring back memories.

A shot of a quiet Lobby 7 reminds alumni of the great minds that have passed through those great doors.

Killian Court in front of a spectacular blue sky shares the unique feeling of MIT in the summer.

Photo from @dinigor via Instagram
Photo from @dinigor via Instagram

Enjoy a collection of our recent favorites below and tell us your favorites.

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