An MIT Alumni Association Publication
Watch the MIT's Mind and Hand Pageant live via Webcast on May 7 at 8:00 p.m.Update: Watch the archived version of the Mind and Hand pageant on the MIT2016 website. On Saturday, May 7, MIT will celebrate Moving Day, where the Institute will commemorate its 1916 campus move from Boston to Cambridge with a day and evening of on-campus events. Alumni outside of the Boston area can join the celebration and watch MIT’s centennial pageant, Mind and Hand, live via webcast on Saturday evening.The pageant will celebrate MIT's history with an entertaining look to the Institute's future. Killian Court will host pyrotechnic displays, multimedia soundscapes on the facade of Bldg. 10, student performances, and an interactive component blending art and science that will feature the dance troupe Pilobolus.Watch the pageant above or visit the Mind and Hand webcast page beginning at 8:00 p.m., Saturday. To learn more about Moving Day and MIT's centennial celebration, visit the MIT2016 website. We hope you will enjoy the pageant!About Pilobolus Pilobolus is an artistic collective, renowned for its unique collaborations that ignore barriers between creative disciplines. The collective performs for more than 300,000 people around the world each year and has been featured on “60 Minutes,” “Sesame Street,” “Oprah,” and “Ellen” Pilobolus has been recognized with many honors, including a TED Fellowship and a Grammy Nomination. Learn more about Pilobolus.About Moving Day In spring 1916, after 55 years in Boston, MIT moved its campus slightly west to Cambridge. 100 years later, the Institute will celebrate the campus’ centennial on May 7 with Moving Day at MIT. The festivities will include a community march across the Mass. Ave. Bridge, centennial parties and events throughout the day and evening, and an evening barbecue for MIT alumni. Learn more about Moving Day.


Stephen J. Bridges

Fri, 05/06/2016 12:17pm

Any chance of someone putting together some highlights to watch on demand? It is a 2am start in my part of the world!

Peter Bruckner

Mon, 05/09/2016 11:53am

Enjoyed seeing it live, but agree it would be good to have a video to see it again. (Leave out the 30 minute period from 8:00 to 8:30).

Jay London

Fri, 05/06/2016 2:42pm

Hi Stephen, this will be available for viewing at a later date. I'll reach out to you when we have more information. --Jay London

In reply to by Stephen J. Bridges

Will Roberts

Sun, 05/08/2016 10:48pm

We were able to watch most of the event live stream and enjoyed it very much. Quite a clever and impressive show combining so many performance elements. Sure would like to be able to watch it again and would appreciate the Institute making it available.