Thousands Celebrate Tech Reunions 2024
Slice of MIT
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Take a beautiful spring weekend, add Brass Rats and Tim the Beaver swag, mix in technology talks and outdoor activities, then fuse it all together with a lot of socializing, and what do you get? MIT Tech Reunions, which this year drew more than 3,300 alumni and friends to campus.
MIT’s largest single gathering of alumni each year, reunions got under way on Thursday, May 30, when the 50th reunion Class of 1974 led the traditional procession into Killian Court for the OneMIT Commencement Ceremony. Sporting their signature red jackets, class members helped welcome 3,666 graduates into the ranks of the MIT Alumni Association—which now has more than 148,000 members worldwide. The OneMIT Commencement speaker was Noubar Afeyan PhD ’87.
Almost 120 events were held over the weekend, ranging from lab tours to ice cream socials to the ever-popular Tech Night at Pops, Technology Day, and Toast to Tech.
Here are some highlights—by the numbers.

More than 2,000 alums attended Tech Reunions.
Nearly 200 alums attended from the 50th reunion Class of 1974.
1 alum attended from the 75th reunion Class of 1949.

$216 million and counting were raised from this year’s reunion classes.
3,300 alumni (approximately) and counting made reunion-related donations.

126 years were marked by Tech Night at Pops, which featured MIT student Holden Mui ’25 as soloist.
1984 was the class year of the winning team in the Tech Challenge Games.
More than 800 viewers watched the live Technology Day broadcast.

For more on reunions, explore the 2024 photo galleries, enjoy this video recap and check out our posts on Instagram, Facebook, and X.
Photos: Mel Musto and Ken Richardson