An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Video Learning: MIT Students Make Videos to Make a Difference

  • Nancy DuVergne Smith
Want to get ready for MIT's Commencement speaker Sal Khan '98, MNG '99, the founder of the viral hit Khan Academy videos? Or just want to explore learning materials for a young student?

You can check out a new series of education videos aiming at students from kindergarten through high school made by MIT students titled Making Video to Make a Difference.

Here are a few highlights among the first videos:

Forces on an Airplane

For grades 5-7, Forces takes a lighthearted look at concepts such as lift and thrust and explains why air density matters. ~ 8 mins.

The Colorful Chemistry of Acids and Bases

Colorful chemistry with household products.
Colorful chemistry with household products.

For grades one-five, Colorful Chemistry starts with a chemistry magic show, where the student pours a clear liquid into a series of apparently empty beakers, creating a different bright color (red through violet) in each one. Later, the student shows you how to extract an indicator liquid by cooking cabbage and then use to test whether a common household items is a base or an acid. ~11 mins.

You can browse by grade or category and new videos are coming soon.