An MIT Alumni Association Publication
SP's 10th anniversary celebration is the culmination of a yearlong effort by the reunion planning committee. Photo: Po-Ru Loh.

Ten years ago, the Sidney-Pacific graduate community opened its doors and answered a need for affordable graduate-student housing in the Cambridge area. Watch the great documentary created by residents and view images from the 10th Anniversary Reunion weekend, which was held June 29–July 1.

One thing is patently obvious from this video. SP residents do not fool around when it comes to throwing a party and stocking a buffet.

Sidney-Pacific's 10th Anniversary Reunion weekend kicked off on Friday, June 29, with an evening reception hosted by the Housemasters. Chatting in this photo are Chia-Hung Wu PhD '09 and Wendy Iskenderian-Epps PhD '11. Photo: Po-Ru Loh.

The keystone event of the 10th anniversary celebration was the Gala Dinner on Saturday, June 30, which featured a New England-themed meal, a tribute to the Housemasters, and the premiere of the documentary video "Sidney-Pacific: The First 10 Years." Photo: Po-Ru Loh.

Sidney-Pacific's 10th Anniversary Reunion weekend, June 29–July 1, drew over 60 alumni from across the US and as far away as the UK and Lebanon. Here, more than 100 alumni, students, and guests gather before the Gala Dinner on Saturday, June 30. Photo: Po-Ru Loh.

Housemaster Roger Mark poses with five former SP presidents: Sham Sokka (2002-2003), Tim Chan (2004-2005), Sriram Krishnan (2003-2004), Amy Bilton (2010-2011), and George Lan (2011-2012). Photo: Dani De Steven for the Office of the Dean of Student Life.

MIT students make cotton candy at SP's 10th Anniversary Brunch & Carnival. From left: Michelle Sander PhD '12, and grad students Christin Sander, Chen Lu, and Jennifer Jarvis. Photo: Dani De Steven for the Office of the Dean of Student Life.

Tim the Beaver makes an appearance at SP's 10th Anniversary Brunch & Carnival, serving appetizers to hungry students. Photo: Dani De Steven for the Office of the Dean of Student Life.