Make Me a Millionaire Inventor
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Make Me a Millionaire Inventor, which premieres August 12 at 10:00 p.m. EDT/PDT, is a six-episode series on a mission to find the best inventions never made and give them new life.
“This show aligns perfectly with what I want to do—be a part of quality television that explores the process of how things happen,” says Zaidan. “The show also really encourages people to tinker, invent, and follow their dreams.”
When he’s not hosting the show, Zaidan will continue to run his science/engineering media production company Free Energy Productions, which focuses on non-traditional educational media. “Our mission is to produce content about science and engineering at the intersection of artistic excellence and commercial viability,” says Zaidan.
Zaidan’s work includes a partnership with MIT’s office of Educational Innovation and Technology on a web series, Science Out Loud, and has his own YouTube channel, Ingredients. Zaidan has also developed, written, and hosted shows for the Weather Channel, National Geographic, and the Pentagon Channel and has written and voiced several TED-Ed viral videos. His work has been featured in The Boston Globe, NPR’s The Salt, NBC’s Cosmic Log, Science, Business Insider, and Gizmodo.
View the official promo for Make Me a Millionaire Inventor.
Email if you have an invention that you would like to be considered for season 2.
Tyree Fowler
Sat, 10/10/2015 1:23am
I don't know all that it will take to bring a new product to the market that is a topical cream, that will cure eczema, psoriasis, and many other skin diseases in matter weeks. This is a remedy that has been in my family for many years, and it has helped a lot of people that I have known. I just don't know how to have the cream studied and brought to the market. I know that the FDA would have to evaluate it before the consumer would be allowed to use it, but it is a defiant cure for skin disorders. My father has kept this tradition alive in our family and has down to me, and I will pass it down to the next generation, because it really works. So if you can help in any way, please let me know.
Lynn Joseph
Mon, 08/31/2015 9:43pm
Hello, My name is Lynn Joseph aka grandma. We have an invention that will revolutionize play time, for all ages, abilities, and disabilities. Summer and winter fun. We live in Northern Indiana and our winters can become very cold, and our summers very hot. Either way outdoor play can be limited. We have a tradition in our family of building a snowman after our first winter snow. As I mentioned before the weather can lessen our time outdoors, and grandma ain't getting no younger! She can't bend, pull and tug like she use to, so the snowmen are a lot smaller and the sand castles look more like ant hills. Our invention will put an end to these problems. Your consideration is appreciated. XXOO GRANDMA
Mark cartwr
Thu, 08/27/2015 1:21pm
Ulitamate Purse for both men and women
George Zaidan
Sun, 08/16/2015 7:49pm
Hey all,
Thanks for watching the show, and please spread the word! To be considered if there's a season 2, e-mail details of your invention to
Randy Pitrowski
Mon, 08/17/2015 11:54pm
I have two inventions. I am an idea-ist looking for an engineer to carry out my ideas.
Any idea-ist needs an engineer. Arecthere any engineers without ideas that would like to join forces?
Matt Ortolani
Fri, 12/02/2016 2:01pm
Well, for one, George is a badass... Let's just face it. MIT Grad, producer, writer, scientist, and I love this where he says "'This show aligns perfectly with what I want to do—be a part of quality television that explores the process of how things happen,' says Zaidan. 'The show also really encourages people to tinker, invent, and follow their dreams.'"
Following one's dreams is crucial to winning in life. And to inspire others to do this while you yourself accomplish this life protocol... well that's outstanding :)
David Muresan
Tue, 09/01/2015 2:50pm
I also have an idea how to live healthy and active much longer. I am curious in your invention.
Jonathan Perry
Fri, 08/28/2015 11:55am
Hello Mark , can you help me in submitting my invention? Thanks
Sun, 10/30/2016 3:13pm
I have a patent pending invention that I would love to share with you, I will need a partner in Engineering and develop my product, and with the present technology and your help I know it can be develop, I am in a situation like Alba Edison in need of a JP Morgan when he created it the electricity. It is a very useful tool for the restaurant industry that will bring most benefit for every one including mother"s Earth. Hope to hear from you, my phone # 718-840-9356
mike menkes
Fri, 10/21/2016 10:23am
I may be able to assist.
If you make 'cure' claims the FDA may classify your cream as a drug which will require a prescription. I can assist with shelf life testing, OTC label compliance, and product placement.
If you have before/after pics kindly email to me at
Respectfully, Mike
David Muresan
Tue, 08/18/2015 12:13pm
I am an engineer in electric and mechanic fields. I can do any project. I am also an inventor with 7 patents and 10 new great ideas. my last invention is a new power saw where we move the tool and not the materials..
medal shriesher
Mon, 10/24/2016 12:16am
Plz call me 5592861818 . I have a great idea for education worldwide.
I am looking for help to get it to market. I am sure it's a winner.
Please give me a chance to explain.Thank you
Jesse Suarez
Thu, 08/20/2015 2:02am
Hi, I have an idea for your next season. I would like to look at my idea which I will have a provisional patent in the next month. I have been a Registered Nurse working in the emergency and trauma centers around Los Angeles. I have 20 years experience and I came out with a perfect diagnostic tool that will change the way the standard of care is done for an emergent patient. This tool can be used in both pediatrics and adults who come in an unresponsive state to either a trauma room or emergency room. It can also be used in urgent care or skilled nursing facilities. There are currently 16 million critical patients that are cared for in our 5000 JACHO certified emergency and trauma centers in the United States. One fourth come in an either lethargic or questionable lethargic state. One test the doctor will order along with blood test is a urine toxicology screen. Most of the patients are unresponsive or semi-unresponsive and require catheterization from a skilled professional. First we have to obtain the urinalysis then we send it to the lab for testing which can take 30-45 minutes. That's 30-45 minutes that we are losing in properly caring for the patient. We are talking about human life. With my invention it will not only be used in the emergency rooms but it will change the standards of care. Only because this test is a necessity for the proper caring of a patient. Now we can have this (Quik cath Screen) at the bedside and it can be done in minutes. I would love for you to take a look at this idea through my website that has made my 3-D pictures and video. Please log on to my log ID is JSuare24176 my password is jjangalx68. I believe this idea will be used in every trauma and emergency room also urgent care center around the United States. Please look at my video!
I would like to say there are intermittent catheter out there in the market through bard urological but there is no item that has an embedded toxicology screen in it. Please review my attorney response through United States Patent Office.
Hugh Parker
Wed, 10/19/2016 2:29pm
I have an invention that takes old tires and twist them into a small cylinder. I have invented, a away to discard old tires, so that our land fields will not be a breeding grown for everything. Please give me a call. Hugh Parker 256-362-7994.
wilburn lancaster
Thu, 10/06/2016 10:06pm
What are the first things I need to do to get on your show?
My product is SAFER The Ultimate Lawn Blade.
Photios Noutsis
Thu, 10/06/2016 12:46am
about the water ski do to the low speed for that water ski to fly
first turn it upside down instal two flappy wings on the back face down
instal a rail in the on the front for the person to hold on and from their
will control the floppy wings so hi can make his tricks
and the water ski should be pulled from the bottom of the water skis nose
with a special lock that ca be disengaged from the rider at any time
Sun, 05/08/2016 1:50pm
I watched the show where a girl had "invented" a marinara tower. The show did a good job of showing who had the girl had worked and spent her family into the next century by scraping together every dime they could drum up. The production company went overboard to help her promote her idea. But what I wished the show would have done is offer some constructive criticisms. Being a food-processing item, the inventor should have addressed Board of Health requirements, i.e. covering and/or sneeze guards. Also, how does she purpose to wash the "tower" every day? It's going to take a really big sink or steam-clean area.
Tyree Fowler
Wed, 01/06/2016 1:39pm
If you are not willing to help me I just want you to know that I will not give up on this, because I know that I have a good idea. I am a student I am studying Business Marketing, and I also plan to become a patten attorney so that I can someday be able to patten my idea myself. I just hope that you will keep my idea confidential. It is so hard to have a good idea, and not have the means to promote it. I lost so much money dealing with patten companies that are not there to help you, they just want your money, so I can't go that route anymore. There is another way and I will find it. Thank you anyway for showing me some interest, it was very encouraging to get a response from you.
Tyree Fowler
Fri, 12/04/2015 7:07pm
Hello it is me again, I can't give up on this. You seemed so very interested in my idea at first. I don't blame you, it was my fault I had a problem trying to seen you a video and the time ran out. I understand that you are busy preparing for your second season, so since I was late I just have to ask if you would consider me for your third season. I am sure that your show will still be apart of the network and I will be watching. Thank you so very much for even giving me a thought.
Tyree Fowler
Tue, 11/24/2015 8:09am
I am the type of person that will not just give up without giving it one last try. I was fortunate to have gotten a response from you, but then I was brushed off. I actually made it to the video submission round, but I had trouble with the application and the video. You really got me so excited after I was able to show you my invention, so it was a big let down after I was told; "don't call us we'll call you". I can't help but to feel that this was a brush off, so I must ask you again "please give me a chance".
Mon, 11/16/2015 6:32pm
I have a patented invention that can save a family of four 39 thousand gallons of fresh water per year. It is the only urinal made that both a woman can use. i call it the Eco-Nal multisex urinal. It can retrofit any existing bathroom and only requires a few inches of soace to install. It will pay for itself in savings from water use. I have a video that shows you how it works.
Mon, 11/16/2015 12:03pm
hello my name is EL i have on idea to save water , and i have more ideas pleas anyone can help me contact me 954 638 8936 ,
Wed, 11/11/2015 9:21am
Tyree Fowler
Wed, 09/23/2015 1:18pm
I would love to be considered for your second season, I saw one of your shows where there was a guy that made a new kind of bow it was a unique idea and he got a great deal. I was so inspired when I saw this, because I have a very unique idea that I believe will sale. It is a slingshot rifle that is one of a kind. I have been making slingshots since I was 5 years old and I have protected my skills. This is a fully functional product that you need to see, I have no doubt that there is someone out there that will invest in this idea, so please consider me. I have waited for a long time for a show like your. Also my father is an inventor, he has made two fully functional water distilling devices that can produce the best tasting water you have ever had. He had the water tested and found that it is 200 times better then is required. He is 79 years old and he is afraid that he won't live to see his invention make it to the market. He has tried to get a patten, but he was cheated out of so much money by crooked companies. It is so discouraging when this happens. So please consider us we need your help.
Saurel Lazard
Sun, 09/20/2015 2:05am
My name is saurel lazard ,I am an inventor with two products one with utility patent and design and the other one with prototype no patent . I would appreciate that if you could take a look at them to see if we can get them to companies . TANKS.
kendall garrett
Thu, 09/10/2015 3:40pm
I have an invention for truck and suv accessories. it fit in a 2-inch receiver hitch it sets up seconds and can last for hours on end. can be used for work, pleasure, business, camping, fishing, hunting, tailgating, sports, or just a night out from the crowed restaurants, ect..... it is something everybody can use from kids to adults! I have the patent and trademark. everybody would benefit even people with disabilities! I just need help getting it to companies.
curtis h
Fri, 09/04/2015 9:55am
I 'm a inventor and idealist that think of things everyday
curtis h
Fri, 09/04/2015 9:51am
what up everybody that have a big size trash can because I was working on a trash that people would love to use it ,easy move is back forward and I have lot more invention that I need everybody to see .
Michael Dale
Wed, 09/02/2015 11:15pm
Please contact me about my vein detector invention.
Jonathan Perry
Thu, 08/27/2015 12:11am
1st a retracking piece of equipment that is a versatile and can be used in many spill situations,Lakes,Ponds,Rivers. 2nd A system that is design and I will be using green antifreeze.
Roland Doucette
Tue, 08/25/2015 1:56am
I have several inventions that would be a huge success but I don't have the resources or the financing to get them to production...I would hate to have great ideas go to waste,please help...thank you !!!!
chris Inman
Mon, 08/17/2015 11:37pm
I already have a 3-D video and drawings to go with the tablet.
chris Inman
Mon, 08/17/2015 11:36pm
I have an idea for tablets that will solve the everyday issues of dropping and damaging the tablet...
Jesse Suarez
Sun, 08/16/2015 9:04pm
I have an idea that will change the way emergency or trauma care is given throughout the United States. It will change the standards of care for unconscious or semi unconscious patients are cared for. Also it will detect any toxins (drugs) in the system through a closed intermittent catheter. The current standard is the MD orders a urine toxicology screen and the nurse has to to do a catheter to remove the urine to be sent the lab for testing. After 3- 45 minutes the test comes back and treatment of the patient proceeds. My idea is a bedside toxicology screen which will take 5 minutes. There is no item like this in the US patent office. Please let me explain. Thanks.....Jesse
Sat, 08/15/2015 1:33am
I have an oil and gas treatment process, and I can lessen the dangers of fracturing and can clean up the mess so to speak.. I can revolutionize the health care industry. I can make the oil field way safer to work in in several ways, but one way in particular…Patents are pending...
Lynn Fravel
Thu, 08/13/2015 10:51pm
I have an invention that will help diabetics. I am one and have had diabetes for 59 years.
Terrence l Moore
Thu, 08/13/2015 1:53am
I have a new nfl helmet design that will stop all the players from getting knocked out or getting any kind of brain injury. And I have more inventions too
Paul Patterson
Thu, 08/13/2015 1:38am
Hey George, I am an inventor and have many, many ideas and one patent but most of my ideas are complex and require mechanics, computer programming, and forging or injection molding to list a few. I have a list of PLA 3D machines and one laser resin 3D printer and also a small manufacturing machine and I am trying to start out small to get some funds started to bring out my more complicated ideas but also the next big million dollar idea that everyone will want and need. Please contact for more. Thx Paul
Tommy Gai
Wed, 08/12/2015 10:34pm
Good evening,
My name is Tommy Gai. I have an invention called smart click. This invention is a way to revolutionize the universal television remote control. I would like to get some help on the invention and have it on the market across the globe. I know it's a great invention and would like a few minutes of your time to explain the invention in full. Thank you for your time.
Tommy Gai
Peter Russo
Wed, 08/12/2015 10:29pm
My name is Peter and I have invented Adjustable Tint for applications in automotive, marine, home and buisnesses. I have never had the money to further develop my invention past my current single working model. I have contacted 3M and a few others about assistance with the product, but I never feel trusting enough to explain to someone I don't know about how it works. I really enjoyed your show with the marinara tower and believe you can assist me on the appropriate direction to take.
Thank you,
Peter Russo
Wed, 08/12/2015 9:13am
Hello, my name is Louisa and my small team of (NYU, MIT etc.) Engineers one of which is a Doctorate holding five US Patents for Signal Processing, Telephony and Communication Engineering have an invention that will revolutionize, across the globe, safe & effective railroad safety for both passengers & cargo. Please let me know if we fit your criteria.
Thank you for your time & consideration.
Luke sais
Tue, 08/11/2015 11:43am
Hello,my name is Luke Sais and I'm an inventor. I invented a product called the powers-Z this product is a piece of workout equipment/rehab equipment/aerobic equipment this product is the only one out there in the market like it today. I'm in the prototype steap now and could use some help. Please contact me
David Muresan
Wed, 08/05/2015 11:30pm
I am an inventor with 7 patents and moret han 10 new ideas. Are you interested to see my inventions?