An MIT Alumni Association Publication

In what could be described as the tiniest–and cutest–attempted military coup of all time, thousands of armed soldiers stormed the Infinite Corridor on Wednesday, December 14, 2011. Fortunately for MIT, these soldiers were of the miniature, plastic, and stationary variety and their corridor-long presence was more hack than attack.

The green and white soldiers formed a variety of shapes, ranging from messages and greetings to equations and design.

What’s your take? Is there an underlining meaning behind the hack? Is it connected to the announcement of the Iraq War's formal shutdown? Let us know in the comments below, or leave us a note on Facebook.

For previous hacks, view the MIT Gallery of Hacks. To view a hack from another perspective and see what it’s like to clean up after a hack, view our previous Slice post on the hack removal specialists–the facilities department–from 2009.



Thu, 12/15/2011 1:24pm

There was a note found with part of the hack that read:

"President Hockfield,

We have waged infinite battles against our ruthless enemy known as term. But rest assured, victory is at hand. We will fight to brighten up MIT.

Please accept this portrait made from the sacrifices of my soldiers to brighten your day. May you win your battles just as we prepare to defeat our finals once again in this infinite war.

General Jack Florey"

I think it's pretty clear that there's nothing political about this hack - it's just about us students being hosed at the end of term :)

John Plum

Tue, 12/27/2011 4:21pm

General Jack, the Phantom of Phifth,

Well done, sir, the armies of the knight march on in trenchant pursuit of infinite victory. Rest easy; your time has come.

Jay London

Thu, 12/15/2011 1:27pm

Thanks Piper! I didn't catch the note. Good luck to everyone during final exams.

In reply to by Piper

Jay London

Thu, 12/15/2011 2:25pm

Some background on Jack Florey:

john hengeveld

Thu, 12/15/2011 2:16pm

General Jack Florey - the tradition rocks on!! Both outstanding and tasteful :)