An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Welcoming the MIT 5

  • Nancy DuVergne Smith
  • 4

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Class of 2018 members, from left, Raymundo Cano, Andrew Koh, Kevin Escobar Rodriguez, GiMin Choi and William Lopez-Cordero.
Class of 2018 members, from left, Reymundo Cano, Andrew Koh, Kevin Escobar Rodriguez, GiMin Choi and William Lopez-Cordero.

Was it founding school clubs together or being in many of the same classes at LA’s Polytechnic High School’s Math/Science Magnet program? Was it chatting on bus rides to a community college to take multivariable calculus or getting together on the weekends to eat Korean BBQ? Those were just some of the experiences five members of the Class of 2018 have shared.

Although they all received multiple, prestigious university offers, they are sticking together and coming to the Institute. Media stories call them the MIT 5.

And while they expect their camaraderie will ease the transition to college, they plan to make lots of new friends and live in different areas on campus.

Why come to MIT?

“Not only are the people at MIT extremely talented and intelligent, but they also have amazing personality and passion for learning,” says GiMin Choi. “Thanks to my older brother GiHun Choi, who is currently a freshman at MIT, I have been to MIT twice and already know many upperclassmen, and the overall atmosphere was very supportive and energetic.”

Choi began relying on his MIT support network during his senior year. Since his parents don’t live in the US, when his older brother left for MIT, he was far from family. When he wanted advice or conversation, he tapped his brother and other MIT friends.

For William Lopez-Cordero, MIT was always a dream school but after spending a summer on campus in an engineering program he was obsessed. “I knew MIT was the place for me when I stepped foot on the campus.”

Reymundo Cano says the group got close taking AP courses together. “It was initially collaboration, then that turned to playing games together over the Internet, then we started to eat KBBQ together on weekends.”

The atmosphere at Polytech helped the group bond, says Andrew Koh. “Our school environment was always more in to helping each other out than only ourselves and, as we had similar ambitions, it became natural that we became friends.” And for him, why MIT? “It’s the cooler Institute of Technology.”

Kevin Escobar Rodriguez expects MIT to be somewhat like Polytech. “Students take difficult classes yet focus on helping each other out rather than being the sole best student. The fact that MIT had a supportive community as well as amazing academics drew me there.”

When the MIT 5 arrive, they will get plenty of advice from other Polytech alumni on campus. For example, GiHun Choi ’17 advises his brother and friends to “stay humble and learn how to manage their time efficiently.”

Javier Castillo Jr. ’16 suggested making sure they have solid study habits to tackle the MIT workload. The abundance of opportunities will be one challenge, says Eduardo Carrillo ’15. “One of the biggest struggles you will face when you get to MIT is simply how many options you now have in life; you will have the opportunity to do whatever you like.” Personally he is broadening his studies by taking time off to work for Toyota, Boeing, and Apple.

Juan Carlos Fuentes ’12 said he was "overwhelmed with joy" to welcome this group of students.

“Find a research group that is doing the kind of research that excites you and UROP with them,” Fuentes suggests. “Look at the many different international experiences available through MISTI and expand your network on a global scale. Know that MIT and the Alumni Association are here to ensure you succeed. The next four years will pass by fast so enjoy them to the fullest!”

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Alis Noel

Wed, 05/28/2014 1:14am

How do we increase the numbers from 5 to 500 ! I am all ears. Bulgogi is my favorite. I congratulate you on your success and sticking together. MIT !yay!


Sat, 05/24/2014 12:54pm

nice members 2018,good job

istanbul travesti

Sat, 05/24/2014 12:46pm

I wish you continued success with your friends, hopefully they want to be their position and authority

Dan Goor

Thu, 05/22/2014 7:20pm

Wow, all males, you should count on all hell breaking loose!!!