An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Tim Tales from Around the World

  • Nicole Morell

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Over the past six months, President Reif and speakers like MIT Maker Czar Martin L. Culpepper SM ’97, PhD ’00, Curtis and Kathleen Marble Professor of Astrophysics Nergis Mavalvala PhD ’97, and Media Lab director Joi Ito have been traveling the world to celebrate MIT’s global community and its mission to build a better world. Though the event locations and speakers varied, the vibrancy of the MIT community was constant, as was one guest—Tim the Beaver.MIT’s mascot joined more than 3,500 alumni and friends at Better World events across the globe. Tim and MIT’s Campaign for a Better World made stops in New York City, San Francisco, Hong Kong, London, Tel Aviv, Los Angeles, Mexico City, and Washington, DC. At each event, members of the MIT community shared how they are building a better world through agriculture, the arts, research, teaching, innovation, and much more. When Tim wasn’t learning about MIT’s global mission, he was exploring—taking in the sights at the Golden Gate Bridge, beaches in Tel Aviv, and Aztec ruins in Mexico City. View the highlights from Tim’s travels and learn more about each event.Want to join Tim and the MIT community in celebrating MIT’s mission to build a better world? Join us at our next event in Boston, on September 28.

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