An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Reading by Ear (1966): MIT Science Reporter TV Series

  • Nancy DuVergne Smith

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A 1966 reading machine.

One interesting byproduct of MIT's sesquicentennial celebrations has been the gathering of MIT artifacts over the years—including video. This 1966 recording about a new computer-connected reading machine, Reading by Ear, is a gem. Enjoy this 29-minute video and check out other bits of history at Multimedia.

"In this 1966 Science Reporter television program, MIT Electrical Engineering Professor Samuel Mason discusses cutting-edge technology being used to focus on the challenges of providing education to visually impaired people through improved sensory aids. In his laboratory, Mason demonstrates an experimental system that uses a computer that can read aloud in spelled speech from an ordinary printed text. Hosted by reporter John Fitch '52. Produced by MIT and WGBH. MIT Museum Collections."

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