An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Move Over Lassie. GeriJoy to the Rescue!

  • Nancy DuVergne Smith
  • 2

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Gerijoy companion
Virtual companion brings comfort and photos to the elderly.

Guest Blogger: Monica Kelley, Alumni Association intern

A Senate-sponsored Healthy Aging Forum in May brought together innovators and Senate staff—and showcased tools and services such as GeriJoy, virtual companion software created by Victor Wang SM ’12 and Shuo Deng SM ’12.

Pet therapy reduces feelings of loneliness and isolation among seniors with dementia, but caring for a pet is a lot of work. GeriJoy seeks to provide seniors with dementia the companionship of a pet without the hassle. Moreover, live conversations with remote helpers can provide 24-hour communication.

Victor Wang
Victor Wang's TEDMED talk addressed the looming crisis in elder care.

GeriJoy uses tablet-based software that enables seniors to have live intelligent conversations with their GeriJoy companions, virtual pet dogs. When the owner speaks, the sound is transmitted via the Internet to a GeriJoy representative. These helpers are available 24/7 and respond immediately, which allows seniors to have conversations on any topic at any time of the day. Family members can share updates and photos with their loved ones using the GeriJoy family portal on the web. GeriJoy dogs periodically share these photos with their owners to remind them of their families. All interactions between the GeriJoy companion and its owner are logged by helpers and available via the family portal so families can check up on their loved ones at any time.

Even though GeriJoy dogs are virtual they respond to touch and care from their owners. These companions rely on their owners to keep them alive, which provides owners with a renewed sense of responsibility.

In a recent TEDMED talk, Wang described how Gerijoy helps address the looming caregiver crisis facing the US and how the virtual companions, acting as avatars for a worldwide staff, can provide connection and care to isolated elders.

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Wed, 06/26/2013 7:25pm

I agree..this looks like a wonderful innovation for supporting the elderly and infirm! Well done Victor!

Victor Wang

Wed, 06/26/2013 1:16pm

Thanks Monica/Nancy, great summary. Always good to see more awareness about senior care issues. In addition to the huge human costs, senior care costs the US alone trillions of dollars each year and represents a rapidly approaching crisis unless there are significant changes/innovations. The challenge is that it's not as sexy to talk about as global warming or some of the other topics in the public conciousness!