More than 25 from MIT Named to Forbes 30 Under 30 Lists in 2016
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According to Forbes magazine, their fifth annual 30 Under 30 lists showcase “America’s most important young entrepreneurs, creative leaders and brightest stars” who are less than 30 years old. At least 25 MIT alumni and students made the 2016 lists.
According to Forbes, more than 600 selections covering 20 categories were whittled down from an initial screening of more than 15,000 nominations. Check out the MIT alumni and students who made the under-30 lists below then then visit MIT Spectrum to see the MIT faculty and researchers who were also selected. (All images courtesy of Forbes unless otherwise noted.)
Is there an MIT alumna or alumnus that we missed? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook and Twitter.
Sampriti Bhattacharyya G (Manufacturing and Industry)
Founder, Hydroswarm
“Bhattacharyya has developed underwater drones that are capable of scanning the ocean for lost planes, or measure oil spills or radiation under the sea.”

“Chief operating officer of bank's U.S. credit trading group, managing 100 bankers trading investment grade, high yield and distressed debt.”

“Accion is working to commercialize ion propulsion technology for small satellites using a liquid ionic propellant that is non-toxic and non-explosive.”Related: “First Women’s Pitch Contest Taps Two Winners”
Arnav Chhabra G (Science)
Doctoral Candidate, Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology
“Chhabra’s most recent thesis is focused on building a "liver on a chip"—a miniaturized liver model scientists hope could one day replace the use of animals for disease research.”

“Davis is best known for the subject of his TED Talk, in which he showed that he could capture information from video based on vibrations in the room.”

“Elmachtoub’s research is focused on using data science and optimizing algorithms to make businesses more efficient.”

“EverVest provides advanced software for analyzing, valuing, and financing renewable energy projects.”

“This MIT PhD has put this technique to work making genetic alterations to cells to find proteins that can be hit with new drugs.”

“While studying computer science and physics at MIT, Grinich wrote his thesis on the fundamental tools for syncing email. He founded Nylas (formerly known as Inbox), with fellow MIT alumna Spang in 2013...Spang, who wrote the core mail synchronization engine, runs its platform team, while Grinich is CEO.”Related: “MIT Alumni Aim to Hack Your Inbox”
Ben Harvatine ’12 (Healthcare)
Founder, Jolt
“Harvatine aims to catch concussions as they happen. His sensor can be attached to anything on the head—headband, helmet, hair clip--and sends feedback to smartphones in real time.”Related: “Concussion Sensor Aims for Early Detection”
Noel Hollingsworth ’13, MEng ’14 (Sports)
Director of Data, Second Spectrum
"Hollingsworth won the 2014 Best Research Award at the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference. Almost all NBA championship contenders use his work to gain an edge."Related: "Prepare for the Final Four: An MIT Basketball Primer"
Steven Keating SM ’12 (Healthcare)
MIT Doctoral Candidate
“Keating found out that he had brain cancer after volunteering for an MRI experiment…the MIT researcher wants to know: why can my doctors see my tumor genome and not me?”Related: “From Shrinking Pencil to Growing Plant”
Andrew Leone ’09 (Finance)
Vice President, Nomura
“Heads one of Wall Street's biggest VIX and structured volatility market making desks.”

“One avenue of his research was to develop a hybrid solar power system, combining the best of photovoltaic and solar thermal systems without their drawbacks.”

“Formlabs' printers are designed to allow for more precise parts to be created for more complicated 3-D printing projects.”Related: “Boston-Area Alumni Get Their Nerd On”
Carl Schoellhammer PhD ’15 (Healthcare)
CEO, Suono Bio
“Schoellhammer invented a pill that can inject drugs directly into the gastrointestinal tract. The gadget helped him win the prestigious Lemelson-MIT Student Prize.”Related: “Graduate Students ‘Cure it’ and ‘Drive it’”
Reid Van Lehn '09, PhD '14 (Science)
Postdoctoral scholar, California Institute of Technology
“Van Lehn's research is focused on chemically engineered nanoparticles and studying how they interact with cell membranes."

“Weinstein is now behind Workflow, an app that won Apple's Most Innovative App award for 2015 and which generates task recipes across iPad, iPhone or Watch.”

“Wickramasekara has created a digital version of every scientist’s Bible: The lab notebook. The system helps researchers contextualize and collaborate on genome engineering data.”

“Wright’s approach to removing salt from groundwater in rural India uses electrodialysis to extract the salt out of the water, and can run on solar power.”

"Kamcord's mobile application allows users to record, share and watch the games they play on their phones."
Sat, 01/23/2016 2:21pm
Ernst Herzberg, my late husband and proud MIT graduate died in October. He had an MIT ring which he had a diamond inserted. I would like to donate it to a graduate. Can you help me? I am sending you his obit.
Ernst “Ernie” Herzberg
B: 11/25/23
D: 10/26/15
Northeastern graduate in 1951 MIT 1955
Passed away October 26, 2015 in San Diego, CA.
Ernie had fled Nazi Germany with his parents and younger brother Robert in April 1939, a few months ahead of World War II. His family landed in NYC where he attended prestigious science, technology and engineering Stuyvesant high school in New York.
He was drafted in the US Army in his early 20s, became a US Citizen when he joined The Ritchie Boys, in Fort Richie, Maryland, a US special military intelligence unit in World War II composed mainly of German-speaking immigrants to the United States who had fled Nazi persecution. Most had been drafted into or volunteered to join the United States Army. Ernst was one of the ‘boys’ who was present when Hermann Goering was interrogated.
Although English was his second language he graduated at the top of Northeastern University, College of Engineering, Boston, before he received his Masters Degree at MIT.
In 1960 he moved with his wife and three young children from Boston to San Diego and worked as an engineer at Cubic Corporation the remainder of his adult life.
He enjoyed theater, traveling and eating at fine restaurants. He loved being in Cumming, Georgia for Thanksgiving with his extended family. His love for his brother-in-law, Louis Belinfante had no bounds,
He is survived by Lillian, his wife of sixty-six years, his daughters Janet (Steven Pastko), Lorrie, his son Jack , his husband Charles Woodard and his beloved brother-in-law Louis Sheldon Belinfante.