An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Memorial to Steve Jobs Lingers in Kendall Square

  • Amy Marcott

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If you haven't been to Kendall Square lately, the plaza outside the Marriott hotel has been getting a makeover: new benches, new grassy knoll, new paving—and tiles listing the seven inaugural inductees to the Entrepreneur Walk of Fame, which was unveiled Sept. 16. Steve Jobs was among those honored, in addition to Thomas Edison, Hewlett-Packard Cofounders Bill Hewlett and David Packard, Genentech Cofounder Bob Swanson, Bill Gates, and Lotus Development Founder Mitch Kapor.

Memorial to Steve Jobs in Kendall Square

Each inductee gets a granite star on a four-foot by one-and-a-half-foot tile bearing the entrepreneur's name, title, and one of his inspirational quotes. On Tuesday, apples, flowers, and candles were still seen around Jobs's star.

The project came to fruition through the collaboration of MIT, the city of Cambridge, the Kauffman Foundation, and several community and private organizations. Read all about it on Xconomy.

Memorial to Steve Jobs in Kendall Square

Learn more about this hall of fame for innovators and why these seven were chosen. MIT Tech TV

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