An MIT Alumni Association Publication

How to Ask for a Raise: Today’s Career Lunch & Learn

  • Kate Repantis
  • 1

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UPDATE: Watch the full recorded webinar here.

When was the last time you asked for a raise? According to a recent PayScale salary survey published in January, 57 percent of employees have never asked for a raise. And nearly half (49 percent) of employees never negotiate their starting salary, reports a Career Builder/Harris Interactive survey.

At today’s “Develop Your Negotiating Power” Career Lunch and Learn webinar, Jonathan Levene ’97, MEng ’98 shares strategies for communicating value to an employer and asking for fair compensation.

Credit: J. Goldsetein
Credit: J. Goldsetein

Rather than a tense, awkward conversation, negotiations can be collaborative and friendly. Levene will discuss tactics for increasing leverage and legitimacy with leadership while growing inward confidence.

The webinar will be held from 12-1 p.m. EDT today, June 10, 2015. Learn more and register.

Jonathan Levene
Jonathan Levene

About the Speaker: Jonathan Levene is an executive and career coach at Harvard Business School specializing in career development and leadership. He coaches innovation teams on interpersonal issues, effective communication, and negotiation skills. He has more than 15 years of experience working with high-tech startups in product development and also heads up his own high-tech venture. In his free time, he practices mindfulness meditation and martial arts.

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Wed, 06/10/2015 10:42am

Bear in mind that getting a salary that is higher than what the boss thinks you are worth is a good way to get to the top of the layoff list.