An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Help Grow the Slice Blogroll

  • Nancy DuVergne Smith

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Wonder what alumni really think? Check the Slice of MIT blogroll for a growing list of alumni blogs—and add yours. [Pssst! Find the Blogroll to the right and down the column.] danah boyd SM '02 blogs on online social life.
  • Find out what danah boyd SM '02, who has been described as high priestess of social networking, is working on at Microsoft NE and Harvard in apophenia.
  • Perplexed by the economy? Read Baseline Scenario: What happened to the global economy and what can be done about it, authored by Sloan's Simon Johnson PhD '89 and peers.
  • What do you do with your spare time? Visit Travels with Rhody, the personal blog of Wade Roush PhD '94, a technology journalist writing for Xconomy.
  • MIT10 alum Jesse Smithnosky '04 writes about her life as a professional poker player in Taking a Shot.
To join the blogroll, please email your name, blog name, URL, and short description to

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