An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Five Stock Market Tips from Sloanies

  • Julie Fox
  • 3

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MIT students recently proved that they can not only play the stock market, but they can beat other university investment teams. The MIT Sloan Investment Management Club, led by second-year MBA students Hunter Dray and Tarit Rao-Chakravorti, participated in a friendly investment competition last semester and came out on top. The Peeptrade University Challenge ran from October 3–December 2 and included other top university business schools like Tuck Dartmouth, Princeton University, and London Business School.The competition involved each team managing a $10,000 portfolio—funded by Peeptrade—and trying to beat the S&P 500 over a two-month window while maintaining low tracking error. In the end, the Sloan group ended up with a 2.53 percent return vs. SPY with the second-place team ending at 1.91 percent. The competition also included a culminating event in Chicago in which each team presented to a panel of judges to explain and defend their investment strategies.How did they do it? They can’t reveal all their secrets but they have five key tips that will boost success when investing in the stock market.1. Invest in what you know. In uncertain times, pick companies or countries where you understand the business models and broader environment—economically and politically.2. Be risk-aware. Don't be seduced by skyrocketing markets, make sure to keep a portion of your portfolio in "safer" assets.3. Diversify. It's a big world out there—exchange-traded funds (ETF) and lower trading costs have made a broader set of assets available to the average investor; take full advantage and ensure your portfolio is well-diversified.4. Get what you pay for. Fees, whether for mutual funds or ETFs, can eat into your returns. Be sure you understand the fees you are paying and ensure you are getting your money's worth.5. Be skeptical. At a time when many things are uncertain in global markets, be skeptical of any company or anyone claiming to have it figured out (even if they are from MIT!)“We were excited to be part of the competition and thrilled to win against very strong competition from many great programs,” says Rao-Chakravorti. “Our strategy relied on what's known as a ‘core-satellite’ approach, where we had a low-risk ‘core’ to the portfolio, while taking on more risk in individual stocks on which our portfolio team had done deep research. These stocks ranged across a number of industries, from daycare centers to RV producers to pharmaceutical giants. This unique combined structure, along with our rigorous risk monitoring and stress testing, helped to differentiate our approach from more traditional stock pickers or exclusively low-risk quantitative approaches.”The MIT Sloan Investment Management Club is comprised of nearly 200 Sloan students and alumni and is supported by investment club alumni mentor, Telis Bertsekas ’91, MBA ’97. Sloan's winning investment team along with Peeptrade's CEO

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Troy Blackburn

Wed, 01/25/2017 10:58am

That's interesting that you mention to invest what you know. Like you said, in uncertain times you have to pick companies where you understand the business models and broader environment. I've heard that, when you first begin buying stock, you should start small and learn how to choose good stocks before going all in. I'll have to keep this info in mind as I've been considering jumping into the stock market to make some extra money!

Jason Burdett

Wed, 06/21/2017 4:27am

As someone investing in the stock market, I can tell that these 5 tips are basic but really essential . I want to share one more which is close to the first one given here:
Take informed decision- Proper research should always be undertaken before investing in stocks. But that is rarely done. Investors generally go by the name of a company or the industry they belong to. This is, however, not the right way of putting one's money into the stock market


Fri, 06/09/2017 6:00pm

I have an old stock certificate I found years ago from Corporation XV Massachusetts Institute of Technology - it was issued to Gordon F Rogers in 1926. I'd like to see if I could find him or his family to give back as a keepsake. Any help?