An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Faculty Musings on Next President, Charm School

  • Nancy DuVergne Smith

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See the chart of past presidents published in the newsletter.

The spring issue of the MIT Faculty Newsletter shares faculty thinking on contemporary issues—here are a few highlights:

The Next President of MIT

The editorial addresses a consuming interest for the MIT community—who will be our next president. While the editorial board is not part of the search committee, the group did discuss desirable qualities of a next president and ponder possible candidates. Moral leadership, international prestige, defender of truth, a good listener are among the qualities. And the people? The article shares suggestions for four internal candidates and six others who have MIT experience as alumni or faculty. See who's on their list.

Travis Merritt and the Founding of Charm School

How did Charm School begin? New media attention from CBS Sunday Morning on March 4 spotlighted sessions on table manners, first impressions, and dressing for success. That's still part of it, but the newsletter's article probes the history —late Dean Travis Merritt founded Charm School in 1993—and the purpose of the event as a civilizing influence. Watch the CBS video.

MIT's Ongoing Commitment to OpenCourseWare

In the excitement about launching MITx, the Institute's new open learning initiative, some people have asked if OpenCourseWare will continue. The answer has been a resounding yes. This article gives the faculty view on why this 11-year-old phenomenon—each month more than 1.2 million people visit OCW—is so valuable to the campus community.

Read the spring issue.

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