An MIT Alumni Association Publication
How do you make it at MIT? A new Alumni Association video features the advice of alumni that participated in the Reunions Access Memories project.

"All you can do is dive in as much as you possibly can," said Norman Gaut SM '64, PhD '67. Check out the video and share your own advice in the comments.

The video was produced by Alumni Association videographer Brielle Domings. 


Emil Friedman

Mon, 11/03/2014 12:55pm

The most useful thing for me was to (1) read the relevant chapters before class, (2) re-read them after class, (3) do all of the exercises, (4) write comments in my textbooks. I got "A's" whenever I did all of the above without procrastination and only needed a few hours of review during reading period. At least one of my professors told us that we could bring some minimal number of pages of handwritten cheat seats to the exams. I found that preparing such sheets turned out to be an excellent way to review.

Eliot J. Pearlman

Mon, 11/03/2014 6:47am

Kate- Really a super job!
However, "thinking like an engineer" in my day (Course V '57) had a negative connotation. It was too much like operating in a box. Since my days at MIT, even up to today in lectures and presentations here in Ukraine, I discuss thinking outside the box and use the German expression: "Alles ist moeglich" (All is possible).
I was really blessed in my three years at MIT, for in addition to what the others spoke about I was blessed: by going to baseball games at Fenway with Prof. R. D. Douglass (Math); by going swimming with Prof. Avery Allan Ashdown (Organic Chemistry) in the Alumni Pool; and by going mountain climbing with Prof. Walter H. "Stocky" Stockmeyer (Physical Chemistry) in the White Mountains. Great memories!
Thanks again for a super job,