An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Next Century Convocation: Watch the Videos

  • Nancy DuVergne Smith

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President Hockfield presents the charter renewal to be signed on an iPad.

From an academic procession accompanied by a dynamic African drumming group to a charter renewal signing on an iPad, MIT’s Next Century Convocation featured things old and things new.

The April 10 event at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center drew more than 7,500 members of the MIT community to reflect on the Institute’s contributions and opportunities for the future. Nearly 300 musicians were on the stage performing original music and worldwide alumni gathered at 47 Charter Day events to celebrate via webcast.

If you missed the event, you can view it now online from the six original compositions performed by student groups to brief talks by faculty members who have shaped MIT and are shaping their fields.

Go Behind the Scenes: Watch the Convocation preshow to hear about MIT150 events still to come and an interview with a students who helped developed technology behind the 90-foot jumbotron trivia quiz that called for texted answers via cell phone. Watch an interview with president emeritus Paul Gray '54, SM '55, ScD '60 and short videos on  MIT’s history and on “Changing Studies, Changing Students.” [1 hr., 7 mins.]

MIT150 The Next Century Convocation Opening Video: a short video on the MIT community. (5 mins, 45 secs.)

Convocation Procession, Speeches, and Music: Coverage includes music and six faculty talks. You can zoom to the keynote by David Ferriero, the 10th Archivist of the United States, at 36:45 on the video or President Hockfield’s speech at 23:00. (1 hr., 12 mins.) See part 2 (1 hr, 5 mins.)

Or read the transcript of President Hockfield’s speech, “MIT150 Convocation Mind and Hand: Learning from the Past, Inventing the Future.”

See photos on the MIT150 Next Century Convocation Facebook page.

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