An MIT Alumni Association Publication
It's easy for the entertainment world to give a character an MIT degree to symbolize intelligence. But who would you really like to consider a fellow MITer?

MIT and Cornell are about to embark on the first-ever fictional alumni tournament. Each week a fake MIT alum will go head-to-head against a fictional Cornellian. Community feedback will determine the winner by answering this question: Which person, if real, has the potential to offer the greatest contribution(s) to society?

But we need your input! We have eight slots in the tournament. Who should represent the Institute?

Suit worn by Robert Downey Jr. in the Iron Man film by Iman1138 on Flickr.

Is Iron Man Tony Stark a given? How about NCIS special agent Tim McGee? Sue Storm, the Invisible Woman? Or world-saver David Levinson from Independence Day?

Post your thoughts in the comments, on our Facebook page, or via Twitter using the hashtag #MITCU. Deadline: Friday, Sept. 23, 10:00 a.m. ET. The first match-up will be posted Monday, Sept. 26.

Characters from film, TV, literature, and video games are eligible. Here's a list of some of the more well-known fictional MIT alumni, in alpha order. Find more on the MIT in Pop Culture Wikipedia page and on the MIT Admissions blog.

Ellie Arroway, Contact (movie version)—SETI researcher

Sam Beckett, Quantum Leap Cover to fourth season of Quantum Leap dvd set.

James Clayton, The Recruit—CIA trainee


Alex Doonesbury—daughter in the comic strip Doonesbury

Dr. Hal Emmerich/Otacon, Metal Gear Solid—video game

Charlie Eppes, Numb3rs

Gordon Freeman, Half-Life—protagonist of the video game series

Tobias Fünke, Arrested Development (post-grad work in psycholinguistics)

DOONESBURY © 2006 G. B. Trudeau. Reprinted with permission of UNIVERSAL PRESS SYNDICATE. All rights reserved.

Benjamin Gates, National Treasure

Gerald Lambeau, Good Will Hunting—math professor

David Levinson, Independence Day—NYC cable station manager, computer expert, alien fighter

Sean Maguire, Good Will Hunting—Southie-bred professor/therapist

Tim McGee, NCIS special agent

Rebecca Miyamoto, Pani Poni Dash!—Japanese manga series

Jim Rhodes/War Machine, Iron Man

Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic, The Fantastic Four

Rockhound, Armageddon

Tony Stark, Iron Man

Susan Storm/Invisible Woman, The Fantastic Four (movie version)

Howard Wolowitz, The Big Bang Theory



Sun, 01/22/2017 12:17am

Tony stark Aka iron man surely should represent the institute since he made the most revolutionary inventions , like the arc reactor which is an infinite power source and he made the most advanced artificial intelligence ever made J.A.R.V.I.S , he also has the most advanced computers ever seen in a movie. In captain america civil war he even does a presentation at MIT saying he will display each and everyones inventions to give everyone a chance and he also presented a neuroscanner thingy not sure how its called but it turns you worst nightmares and dreams into a holographic display so everyone can see . He also hacked into the pentagon as a dare at high school(he said that in avengers age of ultron btw)

Nancy DuVergne Smith

Thu, 09/22/2011 9:04am

As an NCIS addict, I must advocate for Tim McGee!

Brenda Bell

Tue, 09/20/2011 4:28pm

While I love Dilbert, I'm not sure he'd be capable of contributing more than coding skill to humanity. We've seen a whole lot of Charles Eppes' contributions in the several seasons of Numb3rs, and any of us SF/F fans would have to add Arroway because of the potential of mutually-advantageous contact with extraterrestrials.


Tue, 09/20/2011 1:48pm

I'm actually curious about who Cornell's going to put up.

Rhodes, Stark, Sue Storm, Reed Richards, Gordon Freeman, Lex Luthor


Tue, 09/20/2011 2:13am

I vote for Lex Luthor.

Teri Centner

Wed, 10/26/2022 12:07pm

I am so bummed that the Wikipedia page referenced in this article ( has been deleted. If anybody knows of an alternate list of all fictional MIT alumni, please share.

Also, if anybody is looking for the final results, visit