An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Student Video Asks, "What Are We Waiting For?"

  • Amy Marcott
  • 1

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Students in MIT's 2011 Freshman Arts Program produced the short, lyrical video below, which is currently featured on the MIT Admissions homepage.

Alumni, what do you make of it? Does it remind you of your first few weeks on campus?

[vodpod id=Video.15442739&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]

Starring/writing/filming/editing/producing the movie were:

  • Evie Adams
  • Delian Asparouhov
  • Peter Godart
  • Nikita Khlystov
  • Lili Sun
  • Zach Tomlinson
Music in the video was written and recorded by Amiina.

Learn more about MIT's incoming freshmen.

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Bob Trexler

Fri, 09/23/2011 4:48pm

Nice video. I liked the music. I thought the story made sense, even though no words were used. I think a bit of the inside of classrooms would have helped solidify it as a story about students. Passing through doors doesn't do it for me.