An MIT Alumni Association Publication

What's New at OCW?

  • Amy Marcott

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Good news, lifelong learners! The staff at MIT's much-lauded OpenCourseWare (OCW) has been busily updating the site with new courses that you can view online for free. Among the recent additions:
  • People and Other Animals This class provides a historical survey of the ways that people have interacted with their closest animal relatives, for example: hunting, domestication of livestock, exploitation of animal labor, scientific study of animals, display of exotic and performing animals, and pet keeping.
  • Stem Cells: A Cure or Disease? In this course, we will explore the underlying biology behind the idea of using stem cells to treat disease, specifically analyzing the mechanisms that enable a single genome to encode multiple cell states ranging from neurons to fibroblasts to T cells. Overall, we hope to provide a comprehensive overview of this exciting new field of research and its clinical relevance.
  • Game Design This course provides practical instruction in the design and analysis of non-digital games. Students cover the texts, tools, references and historical context to analyze and compare game designs across a variety of genres, including sports, game shows, games of chance, card games, schoolyard games, board games, and role–playing games.
  • Riots, Strikes, and Conspiracies in American History This course uses readings and discussions to focus on a series of short-term events that shed light on American politics, culture, and social organization. It emphasizes finding ways to make sense of these complicated, highly traumatic events, and on using them to understand larger processes of change in American history.
  • Community Growth and Land Use Planning This subject explores the techniques, processes, and personal and professional skills required to effectively manage growth and land use change. While primarily focused on the planning practice in the United States, the principles and techniques reviewed and presented may have international application. This course is not for bystanders; it is designed for those who wish to become actively involved or exposed to the planning discipline and profession as it is practiced today, and as it may need to be practiced in the future.
View more courses that have been added within the last six months. And if you're feeling generous, consider making a donation to support OCW.

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