An MIT Alumni Association Publication

How Will MIT Strengthen Its Global Impact?

  • Nancy DuVergne Smith

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President Reif answers alumni questions in live webcasts.
President Reif answers alumni questions in live webcasts.

Global connections are built into MIT's fiber. More than 3,000 international students are enrolled in MIT degree programs and the Institute hosts more than 2,000 scholars from 90 countries who teach and conduct research. Some 15 percent of alumni live in 163 countries. MIT has embarked on major educational collaborations in Singapore, Russia, and Abu Dhabi. The MISTI program sends more than 500 students to work in programs in 17 countries each year. And many research areas, such as climate change, must be addressed globally.

So what more should MIT do? President L. Rafael Reif will share his thoughts during a half-hour webcast on Tuesday, March 19, starting at 3:00 p.m. EDT. Alumni are invited to submit a question when they register, or follow the link on the reminder email to pose one during the event.

Here are sample questions:

  • Elizabeth, Atlanta: What's your assessment of MIT's global engagement today and what are some of the criteria for making decisions about future projects?
  • Ovidiu, Washington, D.C.: Can you please share your perspective on how MIT plans to engage its alumni to advance entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership globally?
  • Robert, San Francisco: MIT has involvements in countries around the world, such as Russia, Singapore, and Abu Dhabi. Does the Institute have a strategic plan to coordinate these ventures?
Each of President Reif's three webcasts for alumni will be available online following the event. You can watch the first two conversations, Transforming MIT's Educational Experience and Advancing MIT's Research Mission, now.

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