An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Solar: Igniting the Revolution at MIT

  • Amy Marcott
  • 1

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Solar video

A few weeks ago I was on the top floor of the Prudential Center for an MIT/NSTAR Clean Energy event, and I was walking through the crowd picking out familiar faces. Before long, I spotted Tim Heidel, a PhD candidate and clean energy devotee, and Daniel Enderton, executive director of MIT's Sustainable Energy Revolution Program. I knew, after interviewing both for a new energy video, that they are remarkable and inspiring people. But I was struck by how easily I could have missed meeting them—whether at the event or on campus.

That's why I'm happy to share our newest solar energy video with you. I hope it will give you a taste of the solar research on campus and introduce you to the incredible people who are driving it behind the scenes.


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linda perry

Sun, 06/07/2009 10:39pm

I have a friend with a great idea-not an alum-who cannot get any funds for it, despite 80 publications to her name-because she needs a lab and some millions of R&D $$ before she can make a marketable product. Any comments? She has a way to make solar cells 95% efficient-and had it about a decade ago.