An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Policy Wonks: Contribute to the Faculty Newsletter

  • Nancy DuVergne Smith
  • 2

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The MIT Faculty Newsletter is stretching its editorial wings, directing its content toward the Obama administration as well as the campus community. The Special Edition: Science and Technology for the Twenty-First Century, published this summer, was addressed to President Obama and distributed to members of Congress. Now the editorial team hopes for comments and future articles from faculty and alumni.

Energy Demand

The special issue praises administration moves such as the appointment of scientists to the cabinet, channeling stimulus funding to research and development, and eliminating barriers to stem cell research. Here are a few of the faculty topics:

• A new slant on taxing fossil fuels that redistributes monies to energy-conscious users.

• Redesigning buildings, which consume 40 percent of the primary energy.

• 21st century uses of mobile phones as catalysts for global economic growth.

• Defining whether the economic crisis was caused by a few rotten apples or a rotten barrel.

In the next issue, you can expect to find articles on biomedical research, chemistry and chemical engineering, science education, and social aspects of globalization. And maybe your article. Alumni comments and articles about these and other topics are welcome. Email the managing editor at

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David Lewis

Wed, 09/09/2009 3:23pm

Articles in The Faculty Newsletter represent the opinions of the authors only and not MIT as a whole nor the faculty. Several articles in the Special Edition FNL make recommendations to the Obama administration for actions not yet taken. The Newsletter would welcome articles from alumni that offer recommendations to President Obama and his administration.

stephen peele

Mon, 09/07/2009 2:35pm

Does this mean MIT largely supports the administration or will there also be a list of things we would recommend they do?