Origami Informs Breakthrough in Programmable Matter
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What does it take to make origami that folds itself? A shape-shifting smart sheet with thin foil actuators and flexible electronics, some super stickers, and a jolt of current. Check out video of the "Origami Robots" created by researchers at Harvard and MIT. They say it demonstrates the first step toward making everyday objects whose mechanical properties can be programmed. Think of something like a Swiss Army knife forming into tools ranging from wrenches to tripods. Learn more about the research.
The photo at right (click to enlarge) shows a close-up of the 32-tile self-folding sheet capable of achieving two distinct shapes: a paper airplane and a boat. The lettered smaller photos show: Joule-heated SMA bending actuator “stapled” into the top (A) and bottom (B) sides of the sheet. Patterned traces cross the silicone flexures and are shown unstretched (C) and after stretching as a flexure bends 180° (D). Silicone flexure bent 180°, with both a single fold (E) and folded again to create a compound fold (four layers thick) (F).