The Most Popular Alumni Stories of 2024
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This year’s stories on Slice of MIT taught us a lot about the world, the way our alumni see it—and what they are doing to make it better. We learned that a deaf person can be a pilot, jigsaw puzzling can be a competitive sport, and happiness can be a viable business objective.
As 2024 comes to a close, check out the 15 most-read alumni stories from Slice of MIT.
Sky Is No Limit for Deaf Pilot
Sheila Xu ’14 earned her sport pilot license in 2021, becoming one of only about 200 deaf pilots licensed to fly in the United States.
How an Engineer Gets Dinner to Your Door
Ravi Inukonda MBA ’10, the chief financial officer of DoorDash, describes his job as the ultimate puzzle.
Historian Explains the Fish Stick
What do nuclear power, sports bras, and fish sticks have in common? All are research topics for Paul Josephson PhD ’87.
Mountain Climbing Engineer Becomes Yogi
After hiking Mount Everest, Lillian Cuthbert ’83 decided to step away from her career as a financial software application developer, which led her to a second career as a yoga instructor.
MIT Alum Holds Guinness Record for Speed Jigsaw Puzzling
For Tammy McLeod ’99, MEng ’99, puzzles are about speed and precision: In 2020, she set a Guinness World Record by completing a 250-piece puzzle in under 10 minutes.
Bradley Cooper Used This MIT Alum’s Batons in Maestro
Retired software developer and actuary Mark Horowitz ’71 has secured a role in film history thanks to Bradley Cooper, who used his batons in the Oscar-nominated film, Maestro.
Decades after First Gold, Alum Is a Karate Champ Again
Noelle Kanaga DeLuca ’06 started karate when she was four and eventually won multiple national gold medals. Following a hiatus, she recently returned to competition and earned 12 medals.
Tapping Bones to Help People Communicate
A scary scuba diving incident inspired Jordan McRae ’05 to seek a technical solution to the problem of communicating in challenging audio environments.
Shark Tank Alum Is Changing the Diaper Game
Is there a good alternative to all-plastic diapers? That’s the question Amrita Saigal ’10 posed when she pitched her diaper company on Shark Tank.
Can Skin Care Be Healthcare?
Sophie Bai ’14 learned early on that skin problems can be physically and emotionally painful. Today, she is seeking solutions to conditions like eczema and cancer through her startup.
50+ Years of Tiddlywinks Glory
No mere child’s play, tiddlywinks can be fiercely competitive. Larry Kahn ’75, SM ’76, David Lockwood ’75, and Rick Tucker ’80 have been playing tournament tiddlywinks since their MIT days.
CEO Builds Success on Foundation of Happiness
The pursuit of happiness led Chris Schell ’96 from Wall Street to a thriving business in home construction.
MIT’s Only Four-Time Academic All-America Honoree and Her Superpower
Academic All-America Hall of Fame athlete Louise Jandura ’84, SM ’86 describes how sports prepared her for leadership at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
On the Path to a Cure for MS
One of the world’s leading experts on multiple sclerosis (MS), Stephen Hauser ’71 is responsible for major breakthroughs in the understanding and treatment of the disease.
Sharing the Life-Changing Power of Math
José Esparza Lozano ’19 is training a Rwandan math olympiad team in hopes the positive effects he’s experienced will ripple out into the global community.