An MIT Alumni Association Publication
MIT, and its constituents, are no strangers to top rankings in subjects like science, technology, and engineering. But what about most stylish? The Boston Globe released its seventh annual 25 Most Stylish Bostonians, and two MITers were selected as Boston's chic elite: Media Lab Assistant Professor Neri Oxman PhD '10 and MIT List Visual Arts Center Director Paul Ha.

According to The Globe, the list is selected using a not-so-scientific algorithm of "staring at people at parties, gossiping with hairdressers, and asking previous Most Stylish Bostonians." (Past honorees are not eligible to appear on future lists.)

Oxman describes opening her closet as a form of meditation, and equates choosing a wardrobe with developing a new idea.

"When you celebrate a new idea, it immediately comes through the way you hold yourself and the clothes you wear…I truly believe it's an organic process. To wear a beautiful new garment is like wearing a new idea, and I see them as the same thing."
Ha summarizes his wardrobe as monochromatic ("You won't find anything with color in my closet.") and relates his fashion style to the productive, straight-forward mentality of MIT.
"For me, it's all about a uniform. Like the other MIT people, it's about efficiency. I have a closet full of dark suits, white shirts, and black shoes. That's my uniform."
Ha and Oxman are not the first MIT fashion plates to be selected as Most Stylish Bostonians. Previous lists, which date back to 2006, have included Media Lab Associate Professor Cynthia Lynn Breazeal SM '93, ScD '00 (2011); Assistant Professor of Literature Alisa Braithwaite (2010); Visual Arts Center curator João Ribas (2009); and Department of Architecture Associate Professor Larry Sass SM '94, PhD '00 (2008).

Does anyone else at MIT deserve mention as one of Boston's most stylish? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook.



Mon, 10/08/2012 6:28am

Congratulation MIT and I really like the concept of Oxman that "to wear a newly garment is like a new Idea".
And what you think about Maggie Gold Seelig, 38, Cambridge
Real estate adviser and broker
"Part of my [real estate] process is to study personal aesthetics - clothing, furniture, art. With couples, there's often a juxtaposition of taste, which can be really interesting."