An MIT Alumni Association Publication
When the National Academy of Inventors (NAI) announced their newly elected fellows for 2015, four MIT faculty names made the list. The December 15 announcement brought the MIT total to 11. These are the new members:

Belcher_editProfessor Angela Belcher. Belcher works in biomedical engineering using nature’s processes to design materials and devices for energy, the environment, and medicine.


bhatia_editProfessor Sangeeta Bhatia SM '93, PhD '97. Bhatia is designing and commercializing miniaturized technologies with applications to improve human health in areas like drug toxicity, tissue regeneration, cancer therapeutics, noninvasive diagnostics, and infectious disease.


Brown_editProfessor Emery Brown. As an anesthesiologist-statistician, his statics research has contributed to understanding the neuroscience of anesthetics, along with developing signal processing algorithms.


horvitz_editRobert Horvitz ’68. Horvitz, a 2002 recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology of Medicine, works on human molecular genetics, with a focus on the neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.


The NAI Fellows will be inducted on April 15, 2016, as part of the Fifth Annual Conference of the National Academy of Inventors at the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

They are joining this MIT members: Elazer Edelman ’78, SM ’79, PhD ’84; Robert Langer SCD ’74; Barbara Liskov, Ram Sasisekharan; Henry Smith; Christine Wang ’77, SM ’78, ScD ’84; and Shuguang Zhang.

See the full press release.