Meet the 2024–2025 Alumni Association Leadership: President, President-Select, and New Members
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The MIT Alumni Association (MITAA) Board of Directors guides the work of the Alumni Association in collaboration with the MITAA CEO and staff, operating within the larger framework of stated policies put forth by the Institute, and represents the interests of the Institute’s community of nearly 149,000 living alumni.
On July 1, 2024, the board officially welcomed Natalie Lorenz Anderson ’84 as its 130th president. Raised in California, Lorenz Anderson is passionate about addressing climate change and has come to deeply appreciate MIT’s role at the forefront of efforts to address climate and environmental sustainability issues. As vice president of operations and special projects at MIT spinoff 247Solar—following a 33-year cybersecurity career at Booz Allen Hamilton—she is helping pave the way for the next generation of concentrated solar power.
As an MIT volunteer, Lorenz Anderson has taken on multiple roles in the 40 years since her graduation. She has served in MITAA leadership positions (including on the board, the Alumni Association Selection Committee, and the Annual Giving Leadership Circle); at the club level (as director of the MIT Club of Washington, DC); and for her class (as president, vice president, treasurer, class agent, and reunion committee/gift committee member).
“I’m excited that—to use a crew analogy—we’re all in the same boat,” Lorenz Anderson was quoted as saying in the July/August 2024 issue of Technology Review’s MIT Alumni News magazine (she rowed crew in her first year at the Institute). “We’re rowing together in the same direction, and we’re synchronized. I just don’t think there are any limits to what we can do.”
Read the full Q&A with Lorenz Anderson and learn below about the newly selected board members, who will serve multiyear terms; one at-large director and one Annual Giving Board chair, each of whom will serve a one-year term; and invited student guests.
Lorenz Anderson will be succeeded in her one-year term by newly appointed president-select Stephen P. DeFalco ’83, SM ’88. The members who are new this year to the board are listed below; see also the full listing of the MITAA Board of Directors.
Learn more about Association governance and alumni volunteer opportunities.
Natalie Lorenz Anderson ’84
Vice president of operations and special projects at 247Solar, Inc.
Natalie Lorenz Anderson earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from MIT. She is a member of the Corporation Nominating Committee and the Corporation Development Committee. She is treasurer for the Class of 1984 and an educational counselor.
Stephen P. DeFalco ’83, SM ’88
Chairman and CEO at Creation Technologies
Stephen P. DeFalco is a member of the Corporation Visiting Committee for Student Life and the Sloan Americas Executive Board. He was honored with the Margaret MacVicar ’65, ScD ’67 Award in 2018. Read more.
Ning Drako ’90, SM ’94
Ning Drako earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from MIT’s School of Science and a master’s in management from MIT Sloan. She currently serves as president for the Class of 1990. Read more.
Ravi Patil ’93, SM ’95
Director of product management and strategy at Broadcom
Ravi Patil received bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering from MIT. He is a board member for First Generation Alumni of MIT and volunteers as an educational counselor.
Robert S. Scalea ’77
Founder of Scalea and Company
Robert S. Scalea received a bachelor’s degree from MIT in biology. He serves on the Council for the Arts at MIT and has previously served as chair of the Annual Giving Board. Read more.
Willard Stanback ’85
Principal at Willard Alonzo Stanback PC
Willard Stanback received his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from MIT. He has held multiple roles with Black Alumni of MIT (BAMIT), including president and BAMIT Capstone Event Committee member. Read more.
Xiao Qi “Anita” Wu MBA ’16
Partner at AlixPartners
Anita Wu received an MBA from MIT Sloan. She is a member of the Corporation Visiting Committee for Undergraduate and Graduate Education and is an educational counselor. Read more.
David Wu ’90
President and managing director at DVA Investment Limited
David Wu received a bachelor’s degree in economics from MIT. He is currently a member of the Corporation Development Committee and an educational counselor. Read more.
Steven Larky ’84
Angel investor at NuFund Venture Group
Steven Larky graduated from MIT with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering. He is a 2018 recipient of the Henry B. Kane ’24 Award, served on the Annual Giving Board, and was president of the MIT Club of San Diego. Read more.
Elaine Yiu Kan ’95, ’96, MEng ’96
Portfolio manager and rate and currency strategist at Loomis, Sayles & Company
Elaine Kan earned bachelor’s degrees in engineering and finance and a master’s degree in electrical engineering from MIT. Read more.
Enoch Ellis ’26
President, Undergraduate Association
Enoch Ellis is pursuing dual degrees in chemical engineering and mathematics at MIT. He serves as a representative for MIT’s Corporation Joint Advisory Committee on Institute-Wide Affairs and as president of MIT’s Undergraduate Association. Read more.
Teddy Warner
President, Graduate Student Council
Teddy Warner enrolled in the MIT chemistry PhD program in 2021 and is researching the bacterial cell wall and its interactions with the environment. Read more.