Looking for Love in the Right Places
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Earlier this month, we asked you for your MIT love stories with the hope of answering a simple question: What is the most romantic spot at MIT? You responded with your tales of true love found at the ‘Tute and offered some surprising data. According to you, East Campus is the number one spot on campus to find love, but the Student Center wasn’t far behind. Your love stories crossed campus, reaching from N51 all the way to W71.
Read some of the stories you shared below and then head to the map to see the data plotted.
“I went to MIT with my husband for grad school. Found the sky bridge in E52 an awesome place to cuddle in the sunshine when it was cold outside. Continued to enjoy that with our first baby, born midway through our time there. Many happy memories!” – Charlotte Gammel Wojcik PhD ‘96
“I met my wife blasting music out my bay window living in Bexley Hall. Room 205 was the best room on campus until they tore it down!” – George Apostol ‘86
“My husband and I met the day after we arrived as freshmen. There was a welcome lunch on Kresge Oval, and when I arrived, everyone was sitting in groups. I didn't know a soul, so I picked a group at random and sat down. Over 23 years and two kids later, we're still together. Thanks, MIT!” – Jeri Levine ’97, MEng ‘98
Not feeling the love yet? Listen as Anne Williams ’67 and Terry Williams ‘67 share where they met at MIT over fifty years ago.
“I met my spouse of over 40 years in the basement of Kresge Auditorium, where we were both on the set crew for a Dramashop production of Measure for Measure.” – Michael Jung ’75
“Student Center ATHENA, of course. Working on 1.00 problem sets!” – Charu Puri-Sharma ’96, SM ‘97
“I met my husband, Juancho, at a pre-valentine party at Next House in 1999. We got engaged several years later next to the river behind Next House.” – Carol Windy Malaga SM ’04
“My husband, Cornelius Harrigan, and I met in grad school when we were in the same Course IV studio in N52. Met in 1991, been married for 20 years and have two sons! Thanks, MIT!” – Kristen Ahern Harrigan MArch ‘93
Catch up on even more love stories from Valentine’s Days past and see all your location-based love stories on Facebook.
Nicole Morell
Tue, 02/14/2017 9:51am
We got 45 responses and plotted them all, no 3-440 but we'll count your comment as a vote for that space :)
Barbara Crane
Tue, 02/14/2017 10:35pm
Mark '76 helped at McCormick Hall desk and even pulled trash during the campus employees' strike. He hung out at the desk often, and I met him while coming & going. We're about to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary this June!
George Stimmel
Tue, 02/14/2017 9:22am
Did anyone mention Rm. 3-440 ?
George Stimmel
Tue, 02/14/2017 10:01am
Legend has it that there's a student from the 1950's who went into Rm 3-440 for an exam and must have found love there because he never returned.
Anne Williams
Tue, 02/14/2017 7:05am
Love it.
Thanks so much for doing this.