An MIT Alumni Association Publication

Interior Decorating with...QR Codes

  • Amy Marcott
  • 3

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Ted Acworth MBA ’07 is known for combining old school artistry with top of the line technology. His company, Artaic, uses design software and robots to create high-end custom mosaic projects. Now Artaic is taking on another technological innovation: QR codes.

According to Artaic's blog, "The codes don’t only have to be website links, text can also be embedded into the codes. The tile QR codes could provide interesting insights into their installation locations, telephone numbers, or humorous quips."

The idea of making permanent an entity that heretofore has been fairly ephemeral is interesting. QR codes show up a lot on soda cans, bus stop signs, and yogurt containers. Does (literally) plastering them onto buildings change how you perceive them? Would you whip out your smart phone at a cafe and start scanning a wall?

This cafe wall mosaic contains a collage of quotes, among them, "People only see what they are prepared to see." Credit: Artaic


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Mon, 12/22/2014 5:25am

It's an original idea to decorate room with QR Codes.Maybe it will be a trend in the future.
<a href="" rel="nofollow">QR code barcode</a>


Tue, 07/19/2011 10:20am

Hi mwp,

The location isn't disclosed on their website, but I'll email Artaic and ask them.



Tue, 07/19/2011 10:18am

Where is this cafe?