An MIT Alumni Association Publication

How to Explore MIT’s New Alumni Website

  • Jay London
  • 19

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The MIT Alumni Association has revamped its website to make it easier than ever for alumni to access benefits and resources and stay connected to MIT and one another. Browse the site and learn more about programs and services and discover the many ways you can engage with MIT on campus and around the world.

 Here’s a quick primer on the new site:

  1. Find your community
    Visit the Communities pages to connect with MIT’s global network of regional alumni clubs, or join a shared interest alumni group. Read up on peers in Class Notes and learn how to get involved with your class. You can also learn about unique offerings for graduate alumni.
    Try: Share your news in a class note.
  2. Locate events and programs in your area—and beyond
    The Events section hosts the Association's full listing of in-person and online events and the many ways to engage with MIT. Visit these pages to view upcoming events, stay up-to-date on Tech Reunions, and learn about the 30-plus annual trips offered by MIT Alumni Travel.
    Try: Find the next event near your hometown.
  3. Access resources to help your career
    The Careers section offers details on virtual career fairs, recruiting events, careers services, and topical webinars aimed at helping navigate your professional life. Search and post job opportunities, and register for the MIT Alumni Advisors Hub to give or receive career advice across the MIT community.
    Try: Become an MIT alumni career advisor.
  4. Never stop learning
    Visit the Learn area to engage in virtual events and lectures featuring MIT faculty and alumni speakers, travel on faculty-led trips with MIT Alumni Travel, and access online educational platforms like MITx and OpenCourseWare.
    Try: Sign up for the Jan. 20 Faculty Forum Online: Super Storms and Extreme Weather.
  5. Find out about benefits for MIT alumni
    The About section offers resources exclusive to alumni, including financial services and online journal access. Learn how to access your free subscription to MIT Technology Review and follow the Alumni Association on social media.
    Try: Learn more about alumni membership with the MIT Federal Credit Union.
  6. Explore the Volunteer Knowledge Base
    Current volunteer can find their tools for volunteering on the new Knowledge Base. Log in with your Infinite Connection Credentials and get immediate access to the applicable volunteer tools, timely messages about deadlines, training dates, and more.
    Try: Educational Counselors: During your busiest season, log into the Knowledge Base and access the EC Member Web site with a single click.
  7. Volunteer for MIT
    More than 14,000 engaged volunteers support MIT each year. The Volunteer section features details on how you can serve on boards and committees, become a class officer, organize reunion events, and lead a club or group. If you are a current volunteer, visit the new Knowledge Base and your personalized dashboard.
    Try: Read about the annual awards that MIT bestows on its volunteers.

The website is also the new home for Slice of MIT, the Alumni Association’s award-winning daily blog. Slice will continue to feature compelling and insightful stories about MIT alumni and campus life, along with more ways to stay connected with the Association’s offerings and programming.

Browse the entire site to learn more about the Alumni Association. Don’t forget to log into the Infinite Connection, which allows you to access the newly enhanced alumni directory of more than 136,000 MIT grads and comment on Slice of MIT stories.

Please let us know if you’ve found an issue on the new site, or simply have some feedback. 

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Milen Veltchev

Wed, 12/13/2017 12:51pm

I am an EC, but don’t know now, in the new website, how to access the EC info and database. Please help.

Nicole Morell

Wed, 12/13/2017 1:51pm

Hi there -
I would recommend you login to the Infinite Connection and visit the new MIT Knowledge Base.

When you log in, you will see links to the tools you need to do your work as a volunteer! Which includes, for you, a link to the Educational Council Members Site.

Thanks for asking!

Jon Warms

Mon, 12/18/2017 1:28am

On the alum home page, there are links for EC Access and for Volunteer Tools. Neither link works.

I can't find my list of assigned applicants, nor can I file my EC reports.

Judy Wong

Sun, 01/07/2018 11:38pm

I have found the new alumni website difficult to navigate and the EC Members site difficult to find. Thank goodness for this chain which leads me to the site. Finding the site was not intuitive at all.

Gary Look

Wed, 12/13/2017 9:53pm

Was there any alumni data lost when the new site went live? I did an alumni search a few weeks ago based on company name before the new site launched, and I when I did the same search today, I got a different set of results.

Also, when I looked up my own profile, it no longer has the name of the company I currently work for, whereas that information was available on the old site.

Christine Tempesta

Sat, 12/16/2017 8:43pm

No, there was no loss of data in the transition. Incomplete business addresses do not display in the directory. To correct this in your case, go to "My account" and complete your business address in the "edit profile" tab under the "work" icon. Even if you decide to hide your work street address or city, when your business address is complete, your company and title will show and will be searchable in the directory.

You may want to conduct and save your search that you are referring to. Saving your search is a new feature in the directory.

Richard Merrill

Thu, 12/21/2017 9:24am

When I try to locate old classmates I would sometimes use the "living group" information - that seems to be absent now.

Gregory Bourne

Fri, 12/22/2017 9:20am

Hi, you can filter your search by Living Group using the advanced search in the alumni directory . Here's the direct link to the advanced search:

Susan Rose Pinkus

Fri, 12/15/2017 11:01am

How can the number one technology school in the U.S. make the most user unfriendly new website for its alumni?
Before we just logged into and could link to the EC website. Now apparently there is a new way (you can’t even search for that on the new website). Shame on you MIT!

Jason London

Fri, 12/15/2017 11:08am

Thank you for visiting the new MIT Alumni website. The new MIT Knowledge Base [] is the best way to access tools for volunteers, including ECs. Thank you!

Nicole Morell

Fri, 12/15/2017 11:57am

Additionally, if you first login and then go to the Knowledge Base to see the "personalized" links under the welcome message. Hope that helps!

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Jon Warms

Mon, 12/18/2017 1:38am

Knowledge base has many Q&As for many issues, but nothing for the basic questions, like:

1) How can I send an email from (Used to be a link on the accounts page,) (Lots of info on forwarding and the infinite connection, and it looks good, but nothing abut sending emails.) As an EC, I reply to applicants' emails from my MIT account, please help me do this again, fast!
2) How can an EC actually access the old EC pages? IOW, is there a link that actually works?
3) Where to report issues with the new design. Is this the place to report website problems? It's labeled "How to explore" when I need "How to report".

Please make knowledge base really smart!

Christine Tempesta

Mon, 12/18/2017 5:47pm

The link to send an email "from" your alum address is on the Email and Forwarding tab of “My Account”

I think the rest of your issues have been solved, thanks for exchanging emails and voice mails with us today!

David Lobel

Fri, 12/22/2017 5:34am

Prior website was intuitive and did not need instructions.

Christopher Rodarte

Thu, 12/28/2017 6:25am

How could you make this change right at the time MIT requires their EC Volunteers to be submitting their interview reports? Using the Old Website it was a matter of logging in and a couple of mouse clicks later presto, you could then submit a given interview report for a given student applicant. Now I'm searching a knowledge base that seems to lack any basic information about how to access the EC Website while the new site masters provide snarky responses about using something that seems to have been created in the 90's!?! I may have to adjust my future giving to the Institute to adjust for the loss of productivity post this New Alumni Website!!

Christine Tempesta

Fri, 12/29/2017 12:05pm

Thank you for your feedback. We definitely hear you on the timing, as many EC's have found the initial navigation challenging in its differences from the old site.

You should still be able to access the EC pages in a couple of clicks. When you navigate to the Volunteer Knowledge Base, and Log In, there will be a message "Welcome Back <your name> and the link to the EC pages will be directly below, along with any other tools that require log in.

The key is to log in when on the Knowledge Base page. We are continuously working to improve the clarity of the navigation here, so thanks again for your feedback.

Emily Viehland

Wed, 01/03/2018 1:05pm

As a brand new class officer, I have spent my morning banging my head against the wall in an attempt to navigate this new website so that I can solicit classnotes from my class.

I eventually found: the resources for class officers; a way to send emails from my alum account (I had to dig through old emails to find the class address, which should have been part of the resources); my class website (randomly--and yet a deliberate search after I closed the window was fruitless).

I am very well-versed in website search, and this was a truly awful user experience.

Being able to connect with my class has always been an important function for me on this site, and you have made it virtually impossible for me to do that.

Please let us connect to each other! Please let me type something (like the class president's name) into the search box and allow her email introducing the class officers to pop up! Please up the search technology to something even remotely effective!

Manoj Nadkarni

Fri, 01/05/2018 3:48pm

It was easy to do customized directory searches on the Classic (old) site – not so with the new one. Can you please bring back the ease and flexibility of the Classic site?


Christine Tempesta

Mon, 01/08/2018 12:13pm

It would be helpful to understand what kinds of searches you are attempting to complete. The advanced search functionality should give you the same ease and flexibility, with the added feature of the capability to save your search. Can you tell us more? You can comment here or write to